This reminds me of two stories. The first one tells the story of Confucius, who said that Confucius had never seen the sea and thought it was very sweet and thirsty, so he asked the fisherman to scoop up some seawater to drink. The fisherman told Confucius that the sea was bitter and salty. How can I drink it? Say that finish burst out laughing. Confucius' disciples were very angry and said to the fisherman, "Don't make trouble with the saints unreasonably!" " The fisherman smiled and said, "saints don't know everything." It is wrong to quench your thirst with seawater. Hearing this, Confucius said to his disciples, "An honest man can't help pretending to understand. "
The second is an idiom story called "On paper". It is about Zhao Kuo of Zhao in the Warring States Period. When he was young, he read many art books and often talked about fighting in front of people. Many people think he is very talented. On one occasion, Qin attacked Zhao. Lian Po, the general of Zhao, adopted the method of building a base and sticking to it. Later, the prince of Zhao listened to the rumors spread by the State of Qin, thinking that Lian Po was old and weak, so he sent Zhao Kuo instead of Lian Po. When Zhao Kuo went to the front, he copied the dogma in Sun Tzu's Art of War and completely changed Lian Po's plan for a lasting war of resistance. General Qin was very happy to hear the news, so he first cut off the back road of Zhao's grain transportation, and then surrounded Zhao. When Zhao Ranjun ran out of food, Zhao Kuo tried to break through and was shot dead by Qin Jun. More than 400,000 Zhao troops were wiped out at once. Zhao Kuo only talks big and copies the contents of art books, but he doesn't pretend to understand. As a result, Qin Jun shot him and all 400 thousand troops surrendered to Qin Jun
"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is also". This sentence makes me deeply touched. In this world, there are many honest people like Confucius and many boastful people like Zhao Kuo, who do harm to others and themselves.
If everyone can "know what he knows, but not what he doesn't know" and hold an honest attitude, they can learn real knowledge.
I want the original English version! Don¡¯t translate it yourself. Thank you!