The ancients said: Zhu Dexiao comes first. Filial piety has many descriptions in China traditional culture. "Zhuangzi" said: "A son's love for his loved ones is fatal and cannot be solved in his heart; I am doing things right, and there is no escape between heaven and earth. It is a husband who cares for his loved ones and is safe and filial. " Wang Yangming's Biography also said: "The father is kind, the son is filial, and the conscience is good."
Filial piety comes from the heart, not from the outside. Children's filial piety to their parents and elders should come from loyal sincerity and true behavior, and we can't make some superficial articles on filial piety. Filial piety is from the heart, from the heart. Filial piety is not only a form, but more importantly, it lies in the heart, a person's inner psychology.
When Wang Yangming was in Hangzhou, he often traveled to and from temples such as Tiger Run and Nanping. I happened to see a monk who shut himself up in the temple, meditated, recited scriptures and recited Buddha for three years, and sat alone in the temple without saying a word. As if he had stayed, Wang Yangming talked to him and asked if he had any relatives at home. The monk said that he had an old mother. Wang Yangming asked himself if he couldn't get rid of secular thoughts. The monk replied: I can't help but miss my secular mother. Wang Yangming told the monk about the filial piety of loving his parents. The monk was moved and went home to serve his old mother. This story tells us that it is the responsibility of every child to cherish the kindness of parents and move from the heart to action.
Filial piety is a person's true love and love for parents and elders from the heart. Filial piety is a person's action towards parents and elders in daily life. Have love, and put it into action, knowing and doing as one.