#小古文# Today I read the story of The Tortoise and the Hare. This story is all too familiar. But how to say it in classical Chinese?
Let’s read it sentence by sentence
The tortoise and the little hare race - the tortoise and the hare race. Race walking is now a word and a sport. In classical Chinese, there are two words: jing means competition, competition, and walking means running
Rabbit speed - rabbit runs fast
Sleep in the middle - Halfway through the run, I fell asleep.
The tortoise walks slowly - the tortoise crawls slowly
Continue to work hard - crawl hard, without stopping
Wait until the hare wakes up - wait until the hare wakes up When you wake up
The tortoise has arrived first - and the tortoise has reached the finish line first.
For children, the key to falling in love with ancient Chinese is to read it aloud. Because ancient Chinese is concise and has a strong sense of rhythm, it will be particularly "powerful" to read. #NationalReading_Reading Reader_American Poetry Reading#
The above classical Chinese content comes from "100 Lessons of Classical Chinese for Primary School Students" #primary school student#