Electrons are not composed of photons, but when positrons and negative electrons meet, they will annihilate and produce photons, as shown in the following 2 pictures:
Electrons can be split into 3 quasiparticles:
< p>1 holes carry electron charges (electric field layer),2 orbitals carry orbital bits (orbital layer),
3 spinons carry rotation properties (magnetic field layer: 1 an intrinsic quantum property related to magnetism).
Model diagram of the internal structure of electrons (holes, spinons, orbitals)
The composition of quarks, see the following 2 pictures:
?1, third generation Illustration of the forward and antiquark-internal structure model
? 2. Illustration of the three-color quark-internal structure model
? Illustration of the neutron-internal structure model
In the picture The +- sign represents the indivisible smallest unit of positive and negative electromagnetic information - quantum bit (qubit)
(The famous physicist John Wheeler once said: All things originate from bits. It from bit< /p>
After the rise of quantum information research, this concept was sublimated to the idea that everything comes from qubits)
Note: bits are bits