Mathematics is an infinite science. - Hermann Weyl Some beautiful theorems in mathematics have the following characteristics: they are easily summarized from facts, but the proofs are extremely hidden. Mathematics is The King of Science.——Gauss In the field of mathematics, the art of asking questions is more important than the art of solving problems.——Kankel As long as a branch of science can raise a large number of questions, it is full of vitality, and the questions Lack of it indicates the termination or decline of independent development. ——Hilbert In the world of mathematics, what is important is not what we know, but how we know it. ——Pythagoras A science can only be achieved when it Only when mathematics is successfully used can one achieve true perfection. ——Marx The scientific level of a country can be measured by the mathematics it consumes. ——Lao Cauchy (Augustin Louis Cauchy 1789-1857) If you think that only in geometric proofs or in There is certainty only in the evidence of feeling, and that would be a serious mistake. Give me five coefficients and I will draw an elephant; give me a sixth coefficient and the elephant will wag its tail. One must be convinced that science is making great progress if he is adding many new terms to it and leaving the reader to study the wonderful and indescribable things that lie before them. Chen Shengshen Mathematics is a deductive science, in which conclusions are obtained through logical reasoning from a set of postulates. Science requires experiments. But experiments cannot be absolutely accurate. If there is a mathematical theory, it all depends on inference, which is completely correct. This science cannot be separated from mathematics. Many basic concepts of science often require mathematical concepts to represent them. Therefore, it is natural that mathematicians can make a living but cannot win Nobel Prizes. There are no Nobel Prizes in mathematics, which is probably a good thing. The Nobel Prize is too high-profile and distracts mathematicians from focusing on their own research. We appreciate math, we need math. The purpose of a mathematician is to understand mathematics. Historically, mathematics has progressed in two ways: increasing understanding of known materials, and extending the scope. Descartes (ReneDescartes1596-1650) I think, therefore I am. I was determined to give up geometry as a mere abstraction. That is to say, stop thinking about problems that are just for thinking. I did this in order to study a different kind of geometry, one whose purpose was to explain natural phenomena. Mathematics is the most powerful knowledge tool left behind by human knowledge activities and is the root of some phenomena. Mathematics is immutable and exists objectively. God will build the universe based on mathematical laws. Although Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) does not allow us to see through the secrets of the nature of nature and thus understand the real causes of phenomena, it may still happen that certain fictional assumptions are enough to explain many phenomena. Because the structure of the universe is the most perfect and wise creation of God, if there is not some great or minimal law in the universe, nothing will happen at all Zu Chongzhi (429-500) Chi The numbers in the order are not miraculous, they are tangible and can be detected, and there are numbers that can be deduced. Liu Hui: Things are related to each other, and each has its own purpose. Therefore, although the branches are divided, they have the same origin and origin, and they only originate from one end. The principles are analyzed in words and dissected with diagrams. The common people can also summarize and understand, and they are clear but not obscuring. Those who have seen it have thought more than half of it. Laplace (Pierre Simon Laplace 1749-1827) This is the benefit of a well-structured language. Its simplified notation is often the source of profound theories. In the science of mathematics, our primary tools for discovering truth are induction and analogy. Read Euler, read Euler, he is the teacher of all of us. Only when mathematics flourishes in a country can its national strength be strong. Recognizing the research methods of a giant is no less useful to the advancement of science than the discovery itself. The methods of scientific research are often a part of great interest. Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz 1646-1716) Imaginary numbers are wonderful human spiritual sustenance. It seems to be an amphibian between existence and non-existence. What doesn't work doesn't exist. After considering only a few things, the whole thing is reduced to pure geometry, which is an object of physics and mechanics. James Joseph Sylvester (1814-1897) Geometry sometimes seems to be ahead of analysis, but the fact is that In theory, geometry precedes analysis, just like a servant walking in front of his master, paving the way for his master. Perhaps I may not unduly claim the title of Mathematical Adam, for I believe that I have named more mathematically rational creatures (which have become popular) than all other mathematicians of my generation put together. Weierstrass (KarlWeierstrass1815-1897) A mathematician without some poetic talent will never become a complete mathematician.