Sun Shuai is Chu Lingyin, and all the officials and people in a country congratulate him. An old father, dressed in coarse clothes and wearing a white crown, later died. Sun Shuai put on his clothes and saw it. He said to the old man, "The king of Chu didn't know what happened to his courtiers. Everyone came to congratulate him, but his son was hanged at last. What's the point? " The father said, "It is said that people who are already expensive and proud will go, those who are already high and good at power will hate them, and those who are already rich and dissatisfied will be affected." Sun Shuai bowed again and said, "I respect your order and want to hear about Yujiao." Father said, "The position is high and the intention is good, the official benefits are big but the heart is small, and Lu is generous and does not take it. If you keep these three things, it will be enough to cure Chu! "
It means: the higher the status, the more modest the attitude; The bigger the official position, the more cautious; The salary is already very generous, so you shouldn't ask for extra property.