For revolution, life can be sacrificed; for revolution, life must exist and live forever. ——(Chinese revolutionary) Xie Juezai
People need to have a heart to sacrifice their own selfish interests. ——(Russian writer) Turgenev
A person's sacrifice is not to do hard work for others, but for yourself. If you don't feel happy when you devote yourself, screw you! You don't deserve to live. ——(French writer) Romain Rolland
Take the happiness of others as your own happiness, dedicate flowers to others, and keep the thorns to yourself! —— Valdes
If A person's entire personality and entire life are dedicated to a moral pursuit. If he has such power that all other people seem small compared to this person, then we will be insignificant in this person. See the sublime good.
——"On the Sublime and the Comic"