. When you see virtuous people, you think about them; when you see virtuous people, you reflect on yourself
Confucius said: "When you see virtuous people, you want to be on par with them; when you see people who are not virtuous, you reflect on yourself in your heart." "This sentence seems simple, no matter how you look at it, it is just one sentence. However, if you think about it deeply, who of us today can do what Confucius said? I think there are probably very few! However, the spirit of "thinking about the virtuous and introspecting when seeing the virtuous" is something that each of us should have.
Cheerful people are bound to have more friends and better popularity than introverts. Imagine if an introvert envied those extroverts and cheerful people, and if he would only think there all day: "Hey, what if It would be great if I were him, then I would no longer be lonely, lonely, if I were him..." If he doesn't think of ways to make himself cheerful and popular, then all his "if "It will always be an "if" and will not be realized, and he will never become popular; people with good grades will definitely not be appreciated by teachers or praised by classmates. If a person has poor grades A person dreams of getting better grades, being praised by teachers and praised by classmates, but if he doesn't work hard to improve himself and get outstanding grades, and only dreams about it, then his dream will never become a reality. After all, he is the person with poor grades. He is praised by the teacher and praised by his classmates. After all, it is just a dream and an phantom. The rich must have a lot of power that the poor do not have. If a poor wants to have the power like a rich man, he will only sit down. If he begs God there and doesn't think about how to make himself rich and have the power of a rich man, he can only sit on the ground and beg the rich to give him money. If people do not have the spirit of "seeing the wise and thinking of others", then the poor will still be poor, people with poor grades will still be people with poor grades, and introverts will still be introverts, and nothing will change. Some people will just point fingers when they see people with poor moral character, but have you ever thought that you also have such an annoying character, and others also hate you, so we should "see" This is the spirit of self-examination if you are not virtuous.”
We should think about the virtuous when we see them, and reflect on ourselves when we see the virtuous!