What is the relationship between the Chamberlain Gang in GTA5 and the GROVE STREET FAMILIES in GTASA shared by "jwch196856256"? Let’s take a look at the relationship explanation.
This is a short and concise explanation, because many people are confused about the relationship between the Chamberlain Gang in GTA5 and the Grove Gang in GTASA. Why are the names different? They originally belonged to Little Green. Why is the street of Human Grove occupied by Ballas in GTA5. So as someone who often popularizes (pseudo) science, I feel it is necessary to talk about it.
The name of this gang is THE FAMILIES, which is very similar to the Crips gang in South Los Angeles in real life. I don’t know how the Taiwanese official translates it. I will call it "Family" for now. This family has at least Four branches.
The first Chamberlain Gangster Families are often referred to as CGF in the game, which is the Chamberlain Gang. Franklin and the others often call the Chamberlain Gang a branch of the family. The Chamberlain Gang is the most powerful gang under the family, and its territory is in Chamberlain Hills Neighborhood. Sometimes characters in the game will also say "the hills or killer hills". They usually wear white, black and green coats with family gang insignia, while others wear green, black and white shirts.
CGF members
The second Davis Neighborhood Families, referred to as DNF, are at war with the EastSide Ballas. They are also called Dity Davis Devils or DavisDevils. They can be seen at Forum Drive and in some places on Chamberlain Gang territory. Members generally wear white, gray and black clothes, some with Davis written on them. If you got into a fight with one of them, they would yell "DavisGang, Bitch!" or "DNFG."
Members of the Davis Gang
The third one is the famous Grove Street Families, referred to as GSF in the game. This gang no longer exists when the game takes place. Lamar said in the game that "everyone in this gang eventually moved away from Grove Street, and most of them gave up the gang life and probably became super-rich CEOs." Then some time later, Ballas took the opportunity to take over Grove Street, which is why Grove Street in GTA5 is Ballas's territory. In the game, GSF is considered the most legendary and famous branch. When Jimmy De Santa goes out to eat, he will ask Franklin if he is a member of the Grove Gang. He also asks if Grove Street really existed. Or is it just a legend? Franklin would reply that it is not a legend. This is probably a tribute to SA, and the game also uses this method to express to players where CJ and his gang ended up, but since the two games are not in the same parallel world, this is just a tribute.
Changes in Grove Street in the past 11 years
GTASA’s Grove Street
If you know this place , your childhood will be complete