In ancient times, it was said that if a wife died, she could continue to marry, but if a brother died, it would be irreparable.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 15: "The ancients said,' Brothers are like brothers, and wives are like clothes. Clothes are worn and can be sewn; If you break your hands and feet, you can continue. "The three of us are sworn in Taoyuan. We don't want to live together, we just want to die together.
As the ancients said, brothers are like brothers, and wives are like clothes. Clothes can be sewn up when they are broken, but they can't be attached when their hands and feet are broken. Today, the three of us got married in Taoyuan, and we don't want to be born on the same day. I hope we can die on the same day.
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Banquet taoyuan hero three sworn:
The article describes that Ada went out to recruit volunteers, and the list went to Zhuoxian, which led to the hero of Zhuoxian, Liu Bei. Then Liu Bei met Zhang Fei and Guan Yu by chance. They were like-minded and hit it off at first sight.
At the end of the article, the three men were described as burning incense and worshipping, and they vowed: "I miss Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Although the surnames are different, since they are brothers, Qi Xin will work together to help the poor; Serve your country, rest in peace. I don't want to be born on the same day in the same year, I just want to die on the same day in the same year After heaven and earth, I will learn from this heart, be ungrateful, and kill heaven and man together! " After the oath, Liu Bei was sworn as his younger brother, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as his younger brothers.
Baidu Encyclopedia-clothes can be sewn when worn; Broken hands and feet, safe and sustainable