A traveler has two concubines, one is beautiful, the other is evil, evil is expensive, and beautiful is cheap. Yoko asked him why, and the rebellious teenager said to him, "Beauty is self-beauty, and I don't know its beauty; I don't know if evil people are evil. "
Yang Zi said, "Remember, disciple! Go to the sage and go to the sage, be safe and not love! " Yoko (Yang Zhu) went to Song State and stayed in an inn. The innkeeper has two concubines, one is beautiful and the other is ugly.
Ugly favored, beautiful not favored. Yoko asked why, and the innkeeper replied, "That beautiful woman thinks she is beautiful, but I don't think she is beautiful; The ugly one thinks she is ugly, but I don't think she is ugly. "
Yoko said, "Disciple remember this sentence. Once a virtuous person gets rid of self-righteous behavior, where will he be respected? " .
2. Mencius' famous saying: People who love others will always love him; People who respect others will always respect those who love themselves, and people will always love themselves; People who respect others will always respect others.
Mencius said, "A gentleman is different from others because of his intention. A gentleman is considerate with benevolence. He is very polite. Benevolent people love others, while courteous people respect others. Those who love others will always love others; People who respect others will always respect others. If someone is here and he is disobedient to me, the gentleman will contradict himself: I will be unkind and rude, and this matter is over. " It turned out to be benevolence, righteousness and propriety, and its disobedience was justified. A gentleman will do the opposite: I will be unfaithful. Since he is a loyal minister, his crossing should be like this. The gentleman said,' This is also stupid. If so, then choose to be with the beast? "What's wrong with animals and rivers?" So a gentleman has a lifelong worry, not once. But there are worries: shun, people also; Me too. Shun is a worldly law, which can be passed down to future generations. I'm not a countryman, but I can worry. What is there to worry about? Just like Shun. If a gentleman suffers, he dies. There is no benevolence and inaction, and there is no indecent assault. If you suffer once, a gentleman will not suffer. "