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Bible quotes, quotes from the Bible

1. Wisdom is worth more than pearls.

2. Faith that has been tested produces patience.

3. Staying away from evil is wisdom.

4. Love your neighbor as yourself.

5. People who doubt are like waves in the sea, tossed and tossed by the wind.

6. A double-minded person is unstable in all his ways.

7. Not all noble people are wise. Not everyone who lives a long life understands fairness.

8. When someone falls, don’t you stretch out your hand? Wouldn’t you ask for help when you encounter a disaster?

9. The elderly speak first. Those who live long should teach others with wisdom.

10. The ears test the words, just like the mouth tastes the food.

11. Anger kills fools, jealousy kills obsessed people.

12. How can a wild ass bray if it has grass, and how can a cow roar if it has food?

13. My soul is troubled and I want to speak out. My heart is troubled and I want to express my sorrow.

14. The ax is laid at the root of the tree. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

15. The tongue is the smallest among all the bodies, but it can speak big words.

16. The smallest fire can light the largest forest.

17. Praise and curses come from the same mouth.

18. The water stolen is sweet, and the bread eaten in secret is good.

19. Those gathered in summer are the children of wisdom. He who sleeps at harvest time is the son of shame.

20. He who walks in the upright path has steady steps. Those who take crooked paths will be exposed.

21. How can cattail grow long without mud? How can reed grow hair without water?

22. The old are wise, and the long-lived are knowledgeable.

23. The light of the wicked will be extinguished. His fire shall not shine.

24. The triumph of the wicked is temporary, and the joy of the ungodly is only fleeting.

25. There are mines for silver and methods for refining gold. Iron was dug out of the earth and copper melted from the stone.

26. No one knows the value of wisdom.

27. Be sure to love each other as brothers.

28. Do not follow the counsel of the wicked, do not stand in the way of sinners, do not sit in the seat of scorners.

29. Be like a tree planted by the stream. It bears fruit in due season and its leaves do not wither.

30. Evil people work hard because of evil. What is conceived is poison and what is born is falsehood.

31. Pure words are like silver refined seven times in an earthen furnace.

32. When low-class people rise in the world, there will be evil people everywhere.

33. Do not slander others with your tongue, do not treat your friends badly, and do not join in the slander of your neighbors.

34. Don’t be like the ignorant mules and horses. They must be restrained with bits and bridles, otherwise they will not be able to obey.

35. A king cannot win with more troops. A brave man cannot be saved by his strength.

36. Whoever desires survival, long life, and happiness should restrain his tongue from speaking evil and his lips from speaking deceit.

37. The righteous have many sufferings.

38. Stop your anger and abandon your anger. Don't be grievous and do evil.

39. Those who do evil will be cut off.

40. The little that a righteous person has is better than the wealth of many wicked people.

41. Evil people borrow goods without repaying them. But a righteous man is kind and gives alms.

42. If you abandon evil and do good, you can live in peace forever.

43. The righteous will inherit the earth and dwell therein forever.

44. The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.

45. My heart longs for you, like a deer longing for the stream.

46. People who are noble but do not wake up are like dead animals.

47. Do not show mercy to the wicked who practice deceit.

48. Redress the justice of the poor and orphans. Do justice to the poor and needy.

49. Kindness and honesty meet each other. Righteousness and peace love each other.

50. Foolish people like ignorance, and scornful people like scorn.

51. Listen to wisdom and concentrate on seeking wisdom.

52. If a foolish person backslides, he will kill himself; if a foolish person is comfortable, he will destroy his life.

53. Because getting wisdom is better than getting silver, and its benefits are better than pure gold.

54. Wisdom takes the spirit as its residence and finds knowledge and strategy.

55. It will be beneficial to get wise guidance.

56. The mouth of a wise man speaks words of grace. The mouth of a fool devours himself.

57. Wine can make people happy, and money can make everything go well.

58. If the clouds are full of rain, they will pour to the earth.

59. He who watches the wind will not sow. He who watches the clouds will not reap.

60. The bottle was broken by the spring, and the water wheel was broken at the mouth of the well.

61. Love can cover up all mistakes.

62. The hard work of the righteous leads to life, but the progress of the wicked leads to death.

63. When pride comes, so does shame.

64. The purity of an upright person will guide him. The perversity of the treacherous man will destroy him.

65. When a wicked man dies, his hope will be destroyed.

66. The righteous enjoy blessings and the city rejoices; the wicked perish and everyone cheers.

67. Kind people treat themselves kindly. Cruel people harm themselves.

68. Foolish people acquire ignorance as their inheritance. The prudent man is crowned with knowledge.

69. The glory of an emperor depends on a large number of people, but the decline of a king depends on a small number of people.

70. He who is slow to anger is very wise. He who has a bad temper shows his folly.

71. It is better to love each other eating vegetarian food than to hate each other eating fattened cattle.

72. Ignorant people take pleasure in foolishness. A wise man walks with integrity.

73. If there are many counselors, the plans will come true.

74. A woman who is beautiful but ignorant is like a golden ring on a pig’s nose.

75. Those who love discipline love knowledge.

76. Speak the truth and stand firm forever. The tongue tells lies and only lasts a moment.

77. He who keeps his mouth will save his life. He who opens his mouth wide will be ruined.

78. There is no cow at home and the trough is clean.

79. Extreme happiness brings sorrow.

80. A fool believes everything he says, but a wise man is cautious in everything.

81. He who gets angry easily acts foolishly. He who devises deceit is hated.

82. Pride precedes destruction, and arrogance precedes a fall.

83. Irregular people sow discord. Rumors of estrangement between close friends.

84. It is better to have a piece of dry biscuit so that everyone can live in peace when the whole house is full of banquets and everyone is quarreling with each other.

85. Those who do evil listen carefully to treacherous words. A liar listens to evil words.

86. Children and grandchildren are the crown of the elderly, and a father is the glory of his children.

87. It is better to meet a she-bear who has lost her cubs than a fool who is doing foolish things.

88. Whoever repays good with evil will never leave his house.

89. Those who are evil-minded will not find any good. Those who gossip are trapped in trouble.

90. It is unkind to punish a righteous person, and it is unjust to punish a gentleman.

91. If a fool remains silent, he can be considered wise. Keeping your mouth shut can also be considered smart.

92. It seems reasonable to complain first. But when the neighbor came, he discovered the truth.

93. When a brother has a grudge, it is more difficult to persuade him to reconcile than to conquer a fortified city.

94. Forgiving people’s faults is one’s own glory.

95. Those who make mistakes due to wine will have no wisdom.

96. Wine can make people scornful, and strong wine can make people noisy.

97. The buyer says, "It's not good, it's not good." But when he buys it, he starts to boast.

98. Being strong is the glory of youth. Gray hair is an honor for the elderly.

99. He who sows sin will reap disaster.

100. Even though a righteous person falls seven times, he will still rise.

101. A well-spoken word is like golden apples in a silver net.

102. A soft tongue can break bones.

103. A lame man’s feet are useless.

104. If the fire lacks firewood, it will be extinguished. Where there is no one to spread the word, strife ceases.

105. If you want others to praise you, don’t praise yourself with your mouth.

106. Blame in person is better than love behind the scenes.

107. The scars inflicted by friends are out of loyalty, and the kisses given by enemies are superfluous.

108. When a man is full, he hates the honey from the hive. When people are hungry, all bitter things feel sweet.

109. Neighbors close by are better than brothers far away.

110. Iron sharpens iron. The same goes for getting along with friends.

111. The cauldron is for refining silver, the furnace is for refining gold, and people’s praise also tests people.

112. The hay is cut away and the young grass is discovered.

113. The wicked flee even though there is no one to pursue them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

114. The poor oppress the poor, just like heavy rain destroying food.

115. A poor person who behaves in a pure way is better than a rich person who behaves strangely.

116. Anyone who tempts an upright person to do evil will surely fall into his own pit.

117. He who tills his own land will be well fed. Those who follow vanity will suffer poverty.

118. Those who are self-righteous in their hearts are fools.

119. An indulgent son makes his mother ashamed.

120. A person’s arrogance will surely make him humble. He who is humble in heart will be honored.

121. To share the stolen goods with thieves is to hate one’s own life.

122. Those who do evil are detested by the righteous. He who walks uprightly is detested by the wicked.

123. Ants are powerless, but they prepare food in summer. Shaphan was a weak man, but he built his house in the rock.

124. If you shake the milk, it will turn into cream; if you twist the nose, it will bleed. Likewise, the excitement of anger leads to strife.

125. Rivers all flow into the sea, but the sea is not satisfied.

126. What has happened before will happen again. What has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.

127. What is crooked cannot be straightened, and what is missing cannot be fully counted.

128. Because there is more wisdom, there are more sorrows. He who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

129. Wisdom is better than ignorance, just as light is better than darkness.

130. A wise man’s eyes are clear, but a fool walks in darkness.

131. When two people sleep together, they both stay warm.

132. The three-strand rope is not easy to break.

133. A poor but wise young man is better than an old and foolish king who refuses to accept advice.

134. Too many affairs will make people dream, and too many words will show ignorance.

135. It is better not to make a wish than to make it back.

136. Many dreams and words, many of which are illusory.

137. Those who love money are not satisfied with getting money. He who loves abundance will not be satisfied with gain. This is also void. :

138. A hard-working person can eat as much or as little as he wants and sleep soundly.

139. Just as you came naked from your mother’s womb, so you must leave naked.

140. Reputation is better than good anointing.

141. The heart of a wise man is in a house of bereavement. The heart of a fool is in the house of joy.

142. It is better to listen to the reproof of a wise person than to listen to the song of a fool.

143. Blackmail turns wise people into fools. Bribery can corrupt a person's wisdom.

144. It is better to be patient than to be proud.

145. The ending of something is better than the beginning of something.

146. Anger exists in the arms of fools.

147. Only wisdom can preserve the life of a wise person.

148. Evil is ignorance, and ignorance is arrogance.

149. A living dog is stronger than a dead lion.

150. Wisdom is better than weapons of war.

151. A sinner can ruin many good things.

152. A little ignorance can destroy wisdom and honor.

153. Gentleness can avoid big mistakes.

154. He who digs a pit will surely fall into it.

155. He who cuts through stone will be injured. He who breaks the wood will be in danger.

156. If the iron tool is blunt, if the edge is not sharpened, it will take more effort.

157. Wherever there is jealousy and strife, there will be disturbances and all kinds of bad things.

158. Foolish people do not like wise men, but only like to reveal their thoughts.

159. When evildoers come, contempt follows. When you are ashamed, you are insulted.

160. Don’t think you are smart.

161. Be careful to do the things that everyone thinks are beautiful.

162. If possible, always try your best to be in harmony with everyone.

163. Love does not harm others.

164. When a person lights a lamp, he does not put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the household.

165. Anyone who kills will inevitably be judged.

166. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

167. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek as well.

168. If someone wants to sue you and take your coat, let him take your coat as well.

169. If someone forces you to walk one mile, go with him two miles.

170. Give it to anyone who asks you. Do not refuse anyone who asks you for a loan.

171. Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.

172. The sun shines on both the good and the evil; it gives rain to both the righteous and the unjust.

173. Do not do good deeds in front of others.

174. When you give alms, don’t blow the trumpet in front of you.

175. When you give alms, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

176. I want your charity to be done in secret.

177. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

178. The eyes are the lights on the body. If your eyes are clear, your whole body will be bright.

179. If your eyes are dim, your whole body will be dark.

180. One day’s difficulties are taken care of one day at a time.

181. Don’t judge others, lest you be judged.

182. Because as you judge others, so you will be judged.

183. Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but don’t think about the log in your own eye?

184. How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye" when there is a speck in your own eye?

185. First remove the log from your own eye, and then you can see clearly and remove the speck from your brother's eye.

186. Don’t give holy things to dogs, and don’t throw your pearls before swine.

187. Whoever asks receives.

188. Who if his son asks for bread, will he be given a stone? If you ask for a fish, what if you give him a snake?

189. The gate is wide and the road is wide, which leads to destruction, and many people enter.

190. The gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to eternal life, and there are few who find it.

191. Wearing sheep's clothing on the outside, but a ferocious wolf on the inside.

192. You can recognize them by their fruits.

193. How can you pick grapes from thorns? How can you gather figs from thistles?

194. A wise man builds his house on the rock.

195. Ignorant people build their houses on sand.

196. Let the dead bury their dead.

197. When the groom and his companions are together, how can the companions mourn?

198. No one patches old clothes with new cloth. Because the patching that was made ruined the garment, and the damage became even greater.

199. No one puts new wine into old wineskins. If this happens, the skin will burst, the wine will leak out, and the skin will be ruined.

200. If you get it for free, you must give it up for free.

201. Clever as a snake, gentle as a dove.

202. A student cannot be higher than a teacher, and a servant cannot be higher than a master.

203. There is nothing that cannot be hidden but exposed. There is nothing hidden that cannot be known.

204. What I tell you in secret, you must say it openly.

205. Those who gain life will lose it.

206. He who has ears to hear, should listen.

207. The son of wisdom always takes wisdom as his right.

208. What enters the mouth cannot defile a person, but what comes out of the mouth can defile a person.

209. If a blind man leads a blind man, both of them will fall into the pit.

210. It is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

211. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

212. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.

213. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

214. Wash the inside of the cups and plates first so that the outside is also clean.

215. A whitewashed tomb may look good on the outside, but inside it is full of dead people’s bones and all filth.

216. Only those who endure to the end will be saved.

217. To everyone who has, more will be given, so that he will have an abundance. From those who don’t have it, even what they have will be taken away from them.

218. Anyone who uses a knife will die by the sword.

219. Healthy people don’t need doctors.

220. No one can enter a strong man’s house and rob him of his furniture.

221. There is nothing hidden that cannot be revealed. Nothing is hidden that cannot be revealed.

222. With the same measure you use to measure others, it will be measured back to you, and more will be given to you.

223. When the grain is ripe, use a sickle to cut it.

224. Anyone who saves his life will lose it.

225. If someone wants to be first, he will be last to everyone and their servant.

226. Those who are not against us are those who help us.

227. It is better to enter eternal life without a limb than to fall into hell and into the immortal fire with two hands.

228. It is better to enter eternal life lame than to be cast into hell with two feet.

229. Many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

230. Whoever wants to be the leader must be the servant of all.

231. Don’t treat others like ***, and don’t blackmail people.

232. Treat others as you would like others to treat you.

233. Sinners also love those who love them.

234. Lend to others without expecting to repay.

235. If you forgive others, you will be forgiven.

236. Don’t judge others, and you won’t be judged.

237. If you don’t condemn others, you won’t be condemned.

238. If you give to others, they will be given to you.

239. No good tree bears bad fruit. There is no bad tree that bears good fruit.

240. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

241. He who forgives little will love little.

242. Those who put their hands on the plow and look back are not worthy of entering the kingdom of God.

243. Workers deserve to receive wages.

244. Whenever a country is divided among itself, it becomes a wasteland. Whenever a family is divided against itself, it will surely fall.

245. Anyone who is not in harmony with me is my enemy.

246. Human life does not care about the wealth of the family.

247. Life is better than food, and the body is better than clothes.

248. To whom much is given, much will be required.

249. From whom much is entrusted, much will be required.

250. People who are loyal in the smallest things are also loyal in big things. He who is unrighteous in the smallest things is also unrighteous in great things.

251. Where the carcass is, there the eagles will also gather.

252. Anyone who does evil will hate the light.

253. Only the Son can do what the Father has done. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.

254. Those who have done good will be resurrected to life, and those who have done evil will be resurrected and condemned.

255. Don’t judge right from wrong based on appearance, always judge right from wrong based on fairness.

256. The testimony of two people is true.

257. All those who commit sin are slaves of sin.

258. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

259. If a person walks in the daytime, he will not fall.

260. Walk while there is light to avoid darkness coming to you.

261. Claiming to be smart turns out to be a fool.

262. Since you are teaching others, don’t you also teach yourself? You tell people not to steal, but do you still steal?

263. Adversity breeds patience, and patience breeds experience.

264. Those who govern should be diligent.

265. Be happy in hope. Be patient in trouble.

266. Stay away from worldly talk.

267. Foolish and unlearned debates must always be abandoned.

268. He who builds a house is more honorable than a house.

269. If you put a bit in the horse's mouth and make him obey, you can mobilize his whole body.

270. Put off the behaviors of darkness and put on the weapons of light.

271. Conduct yourself appropriately, as if you were walking in the daytime.

272. Don’t put anything that could stumbling down your brothers.

273. We must pursue harmonious things.

274. Be wise in good things and foolish in evil.

275. One cannot deceive oneself.

276. Do not boast about others.

277. Although there are ten thousand masters, there are not many fathers.

278. A little leaven can make the whole dough rise.

279. He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly; he who sows diversely will reap abundantly.

280. Although there are many limbs, it is still one body.

281. If someone is unwilling to work, he cannot eat.

282. Don’t lose heart in doing good.

283. Farmers who work hard should get food first.

284. Do not argue over words, as this is of no benefit.

285. A fool opens his mouth to start a dispute, and opens his mouth to be whipped.

286. Those who work slackly are brothers with wasteful people.

287. Before corruption, people’s hearts are filled with pride. Before honor, there must be humility.

288. A wise man acquires knowledge through his heart, and a wise man seeks knowledge through his ears.

289. If the whole body were eyes, where would you hear the sound? If the whole body were ears, where would the smell come from?

290. Beautiful limbs naturally need no decoration.

291. Be a child in evil deeds, but always be an adult in your mind.

292. You cannot oppose the truth in anything, you can only support the truth.

293. Don’t judge people by their appearance.

294. Since conscience is lost, one indulges in lust and commits all kinds of filthiness.

295. Abandon lies.

296. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.

297. Do not speak any dirty words.

298. Don’t be deceived by people’s empty words.

299. When everything is rebuked, it will be revealed by the light.

300. Don’t get drunk, alcohol can make people debauched.

301. Use truth as a belt to girdle your waist, and righteousness as a breastplate to cover your breast.

302. Everyone should not only care about his own affairs, but also care about the affairs of others.

303. Forget what lies behind and work hard in front of you.

304. Examine everything and hold on to what is good.