Among them, "University" said: A gentleman should be cautious about virtue first. There are virtues, people, soil, soil, money and money. Virtue is the foundation and wealth is the goal. Outside, fighting for the people.
Mencius said: Mencius said:' If there is a master, there is a noble title. Benevolence, loyalty, kindness and tireless, this day is unique; Or doctor, this man is also a knight. The ancients cultivated God, and the nobles followed God. Today's people cultivate their heavenly Jue, make it, get it, and abandon it, then confuse it and eventually die. "
To annotate ...
(1) Yao: that is, "invite", beg and chase.
Mencius said, "There is a God-given title, and someone has granted it. Benevolence and faithfulness, tireless willingness to do good, this is a godsend title; Doctor or secretary, this is a title given by people. Ancient. People are given the title by heaven, and they get it naturally. Now people cultivate a god-given title in order to get a title granted by others; Once you get a title, you abandon the god-given title. This is really confusing! In the end, even the title granted by others must have been lost. "