Lu Xun once said: To express contempt for someone is not complete contempt, but silence is the highest contempt. From "Qiejieting Essays and Pinellia Collection" and "Qiejieting Essays" ("Qiejie" is pronounced as "concession", because for a period of time, Mr. Lu Xun lived in the area where the imperialists crossed the border and built roads in Zhabei, Shanghai. This The area is known as the "semi-concession"). Mr. Lu Xun had very strong national self-esteem and hated imperialism, so he took half of the word "concession" and made it "Qiejie" to express his hatred. "Qie Jie Pavilion" indicates that these essays were written in a pavilion in the semi-concession area of ??Shanghai. The words "Grain" and "Field" in "Lease" and "Jie" are removed, indicating that the gentleman is unwilling to mix the words "Grain" and "Field" in his country. farmland” to imperialism. The two characters vividly satirized the dark reality of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society under the rule of the Kuomintang at that time.