1: Story: Zengzi killed the pig
Zengzi was a student of Confucius. Once, Zeng Zi's wife was going to the market. Because the child was crying, Zeng Zi's wife promised to kill a pig for him to eat when he came back. After Zeng Zi's wife came back from market, Zeng Zi wanted to catch pigs and kill them. His wife stopped him and said, "I was just playing around with the children." Zeng Zi said, "You can't play with children. Children don't understand. Learn everything from your parents and listen to their teachings. Now if you trick him, you are teaching your child to lie." So Zengzi killed the pig. Zeng Zi deeply understood that honesty and trustworthiness, and keeping one's word are the basic principles of life. If one makes a mistake and does not kill the pig, then the pig in the family will be saved, but it will leave an indelible shadow on the mind of a pure child.
Han Xin repays his kindness
Han Xin, the founding hero of the Han Dynasty, was very poor when he was a child and often had no food and clothing. He lived with his brother and sister-in-law and lived on leftovers. . Little Han Xin helped his brother work during the day and studied hard at night. His mean sister-in-law still hated him studying, thinking that reading was a waste of lamp oil and was useless. So Han Xin had no choice but to live on the streets, living a life without enough clothes and food. There was an old woman who worked as a servant for others who sympathized with him, supported his studies, and gave him food every day. Facing the old woman's sincerity, Han Xin was very grateful. He said to the old man: "I will repay you when I grow up." The old woman smiled and said: "I will be buried when you grow up." Later, Han Xin became a famous general. , was named King of Chu by Liu Bang. He still missed the old man who once helped him. So he found the old man, took the old man into his palace, and treated her like his own mother.
2: Famous saying: Those who do not believe in their words will not achieve results——Mozi
People cannot stand without faith——Confucius
There is no honesty Where is the dignity?——Cicero
Telling half the truth is often a big lie——Franklin
Being sincere is the way of heaven; being sincere is the way of man. Also————Mencius
Breaking faith is failure————Zola
Sincerity is an openness of the soul————La Rochefoucauld
< p>Deceiving others can only be temporary, but integrity is the long-term solution——John RayIntegrity is a dignified weight. If you put it on, your life will no longer be unstable, and the balance will immediately stabilize. Steady tilt to one end.
Integrity is like a shining bright moon. Only by looking into the bright moon from above can the true attitude towards life be precipitated.
Integrity is like running water on the top of a mountain, which can wash away the glitz, restlessness, and falsehood, leaving behind the wonderful truth that enlightens the soul.
When credit disappears, the body has no life——Alexander Dumas
If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest yourself——Shakespeare
The most immoral subscriber in mankind is dishonest and cowardly——Gorky
To conceal the truth is to lie to yourself.
A gentleman’s words are hard to catch.
If you don’t understand something, ask questions.
Candor is the wisest policy.
One word means nothing.
A promise is worth a thousand dollars.
Keep your word.
Golden words.
When a gentleman speaks, his word is final.
Failure is the mother of success.
I ask others to be honest, and I have to be honest myself.
Kindness - this is one of the great qualities of a genius. ————Angel
Two hearts cannot win one person, and one heart cannot win a hundred people. ————"Huainanzi·Miao Chengxun"
Sincerity is the highest virtue in life————Chaucer
The truth may be sad, but it is better than lies—— ——Va Azaev
Among all moral qualities, kindness is what is most needed in the world——Russell
Money is more valuable than a pure When it comes to conscience, what does it matter? ————Hardy
Honestness is the most touching thing——Shakespeare
Sincerity and simplicity are the precious qualities of genius————Stanislavski
Paper cannot contain fire, and mistakes cannot be concealed.
Patriotism, what a crime!
Frugality is a virtue you can never eat up in your life.
Whoever speaks an inch of grass will be rewarded with three rays of spring.
To learn, you must have a teacher, and to teach, you must have friends.
True, very sensible friendship is the most beautiful and priceless treasure in life.