Xunzi’s famous sayings about respecting teachers and respecting Tao are as follows:
1. When a country is about to prosper, the heart cherishes the teacher and respects the teacher; the classics of learning, It is better to be kind to others than to be kind to others; the ancient scholars are for themselves, but today's scholars are for others; a gentleman treats his teachers as relatives and friends; his husband and teachers regard their bodies as righteous and honor themselves; there are no sage kings in ancient times. Those who do not respect their teachers should respect their teachers no matter whether they are high or low, rich or poor.
2. Green is taken from blue, and green is from blue; people are not born knowing it. Who can not be confused and not follow the teacher? It is confused and will not be understood in the end; people have energy and life. Knowing and being righteous is the most noble thing in the world. A short-haired man cannot draw the spring from a deep well, and one who does not know much cannot match the words of a sage.
3. Thinking about the big sky, who can control it with animals and animals? Praise it from heaven, who can use it to control the destiny of heaven? Those who are good at talking about the past must have a sense of the present, and those who are good at talking about heaven must have proof for others; those who are evil will be in danger if they are in public. When you live, you must choose a hometown, and when you travel, you must join a scholar. "Etiquette is based on conforming to people's hearts. The noble husband and the noble cannot get along with each other, and the humble husband and wife cannot interact with each other. It is a destiny."
2. Xunzi
1. Xunzi (about 313 BC - 238 BC), whose name was Kuang and whose courtesy name was Qing (it is said that people at that time respected each other and gave him the title Qing). He lived in the Han Dynasty At that time, he was called Sun Qing because he avoided asking Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty for his name. A native of Zhao State in the late Warring States Period, he was a thinker, philosopher, educator, representative of the Confucian school, and the culmination of a hundred schools of thought in the pre-Qin era.
2. Xunzi studied in Qi State in his early years. Because of his profound knowledge, he served as the "sacrificial wine" (head of the academy) of the "Jixia Academy" in Qi State three times. At that time, Tian Pian, the main thinker of Jixia Academy, had passed away during the reign of King Xiang of Qi. Qi State needed to fill the vacancy of Li Li, so Xunzi took up the post of offering wine sacrifices three times.
3. Someone in the Later Qi State slandered Xunzi, so he went to the State of Chu and was appointed by Chun Shenjun as the county magistrate of Lanling (now Linyi City, Shandong Province, China). After the death of Chun Shenjun, Xunzi was dismissed from his post and lived in Lanling (now Linyi City, Shandong Province, China) until his death. Xunzi made a very significant contribution to the rearrangement of Confucian classics. He wrote the book "Xunzi", also known as "Xunqingzi".
4. It embodies its academic propositions and theoretical thoughts, emphasizing the normative role of "ritual" in society. "Etiquette" is not only the highest criterion for a person's life, but also the highest criterion for governing a country.
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