The five aggregates are form aggregate, feeling aggregate, thought aggregate, action aggregate and consciousness aggregate.
1. Color Aggregate
The tangible substances of the five roots and five realms are called color aggregates. Color means qualitative obstruction, deterioration, and change obstruction. Quality obstacles are caused by physical and qualitative obstacles to each other. Those who become bad are transformed and destroyed. Those who change the obstacles are those who change the quality of the obstacles. This is the general name for things made up of the five roots and five realms. Furthermore, color means the meaning of manifestation. Among all forms, the color dust in the five realms is taken alone. The name color has two meanings: the meaning of material obstruction and the meaning of manifestation. The meaning of color is transformed into victory. The form aggregate refers to the combination and accumulation of the eyes, ears, nose, and tongue.
2. Feeling aggregate
It is the function of the heart to accept things from the environment. Feeling means the meaning of mood, which refers to the three elements of receiving and touching, namely pleasure and pain, neither pain nor pleasure. This complex separation leads to six bodies of acceptance. It refers to feelings arising from eye contact and even feelings arising from mind contact.
3. Thinking aggregate
Imagining things about the environment is the function of the mind. Thinking is the meaning of thinking, which means that consciousness corresponds to the six objects, forming six thoughts, which are combined and accumulated. It is also said that one can take the image as the body, that is, one can grasp the green, yellow, long and short, male, female, resentment, relatives, pain, joy, etc., and this distinction can be made into a six-thinking body, which should be like receiving.
4. Action aggregates
For other situations, good and evil, such as greed, anger, etc., are the functions of all minds. That is, apart from form, feeling, thought, and consciousness, all the remaining actions are called action aggregates. The creation of the body, speech and mind of the practitioner is called action; and the inner involvement of the situation is called action; and the causes and conditions of the Dharma gather together and move through the three lives, which is also called action. The causes and conditions that create conditioned dharma and move through the three lives are called the aggregates of action.
5. Consciousness Aggregation
Distinguishing objects and knowing things is the essence of the mind. It is said that each one distinguishes the other realm, and always takes the appearance of the realm, so it is called the consciousness aggregate. The name of the mind that covers the mind is different. For the purpose of differentiation, the state of mind is differentiated and called awareness. There are various differences in the king of mind. When they are gathered into one place, it is called the consciousness aggregate.
The relationship between the five aggregates
The color aggregate among the five aggregates is divided into inner color and outer color, which are the root and the state (dust). The dust is the environment we know, and the root is what our consciousness relies on to know the external environment. The psychology of contact between the mind and the environment is called contact. What can know the external environment at the time of contact is consciousness. After the mind and environment come into contact, feelings, thoughts, and actions will arise continuously. After that, the three kinds of feelings - pain, pleasure, and equanimity - arise. At the same time, the mind constructs and draws various forms.
Give them various names, this is what is called thinking. After establishing the famous sayings and adding troubles, good and evil thoughts will arise, and even the body, speech and mind will be used to create karma. This is the relationship between the five aggregates - form, feeling, thought, action and consciousness. Our life is such a continuous activity.