1). In ancient times, it refers to people meeting princes privately. "Gu Liang Zhuan·Yin Gong Year": "The princes in the country are not allowed to meet with the princes unless they are ordered by the emperor; if they do not conduct their diplomacy correctly, they cannot communicate with the court." Fan Ning's note: "The emperor's officials in Ji Nei are said to have talents. The princes in the world. "Book of Rites: Jiao Te Sheng": "Those who are ministers have no diplomacy and dare not challenge the emperor." Zheng Xuan notes: "Private confrontation is diplomacy."
(2). Today, exchanges and negotiations between countries are called diplomacy.
(3). Refers to private contacts and collusion with foreign parties. "Han Feizi · Youdu": "Forgetting the master's diplomacy in order to advance his relationship." Chen Qiyou's explanatory notes: "It means interpreting the laws of his country and privately establishing relations with foreign countries." "Historical Records·Biography of Su Qin": "The husband is a minister of others, and he is cut off from him. The main purpose is to seek diplomacy, and steal temporary achievements without caring about the consequences. "Tang Bai Juyi's "Obtaining the scenery to drink the medicinal scenery left by the enemy, or to blame the integrity of the officials and not to hide": "The army still hides its secrets. It is advisable for ministers to abide by the law and avoid any suspicion of foreign affairs when dealing with powerful officials. "Guoyu·Jinyu 8": "If the other party does not dare to flee far away, wouldn't it be better to favor its diplomacy and encourage it in return for its virtue?" Wei Zhao notes: "It is said that bribing a country that is suitable for it is a favor. "He Jingming of the Ming Dynasty" "He Zi·Ceshu": "We use treasures and jade to communicate with each other, and we sell land to the country."
(5). It means interacting with and colluding with courtiers. . It also refers to being attached to a certain force in the court. "Dongguan Hanji·Zheng Zhongzhuan": "The prince and the prince have no diplomatic meaning. The Han Dynasty has old defenses, and it is not suitable for the kings to communicate with guests." "Three Kingdoms·Wei Zhi·Jiang Ji Biography": "What I have said in this article is often written in Yun Zhongshu. I don't dare to be diplomatic, but with this name, I still confuse the world." "Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian·Song Ying Zong Zhi Ping Four Years": "I use my family background, and you should respect the family law. You should make your own arrangements."
(6). Communicating with friends and outsiders. "Mozi · Self-cultivation": "If you are not close to those who are close, you have no business seeking distant people; if you are not close to relatives, you have no business of diplomacy." "Historical Records·Biography of Ren Xing": "Those who are general are also willing to be cautious and are not good at diplomacy. Although they are given a bath, they do not want to be diplomatic." "Ming Liu Ji's "Xianlianzhu": "You can stay indifferent if you have no diplomacy, and you can be pure and refined if you look inside."
(7). A country's activities in international relations, such as Participate in international organizations and conferences, exchange envoys with other countries, conduct negotiations, sign treaties and agreements, etc.
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