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Kurt Cobain's classic quotes Kurt Cobain's classic quotes

1. Thankyouforthetragedy.Ineeditformyart.Thanksgiving for suffering, this is the source of my art.

2. Punkismusicalfreedom.Itssaying,doingandplayingwhatyouwant.InWebstersterms,Nirvanameansfreedomfrompain,sufferingandtheexternalworld,andthatsprettyclosetomydefinitionofPunkRock. "Nirvana" means a break from pain, suffering, and the outside world, which is very close to my definition of punk rock.

3. Wanting to be someone else is waste of the person you are. Spending time turning yourself into someone else's style is a waste of your true self.

4. Nobodydiesavirgin.Lifefucksusall. No one can die everywhere, life has fucked us all one by one.

5. The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.

6. I am not gay, although IwishIwere, justtopissoffhomophobes. I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobic people.

7. Its better to be burnout than fadeaway. It is better to burn out than to linger.