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Commonly used expressions and famous sayings in Latin

Jus est ars boni et aequi: "The law is the art of goodness and justice." Nec hostium timete, nec amicum reusate: "Do not fear your enemies, nor reject your friends." VENI VIDI VICI: "I will come , I see, I conquer." - Julius Caesar Fortiter in rē, suāviter in modō: "Be firm in action and gentle in attitude." Sī vīs pācem, parā bellum.: "If you want peace, Prepare for war first." - Flavius ??Vegetius Renatus Nil desperandum: "Never despair." Nemo me impune lacessit: "No one can deceive me with impunity." Tempus fugit: "Time flies." (Corresponding to English: Time Flies) - Virgil Vox populi, vox Dei: "The will of the people is the will of God." Salus populi suprema lex esto: "The interests of the people are above all else." (Literal translation: The interests of the people are the supreme law) - —Virgil Non sibi, sed omnibus: “Not for myself, but for all.” cōgitō ergō sum: “I think, therefore I am.” —Descartes annus mirabilis: “A year of wonders” or “Astonishing "A year of great calamity" - derived from the British poet Dryden's poem annus horribilis commemorating the Great Fire of London in 1666: "a terrible year" or "a troubled year" - Queen Elizabeth II of England called 1992. Year E pluribus unum: "E pluribus unum." - Qui tacet consentit, one of the mottos on the national seal of the United States: "Silence is acquiescence." Carpe diem: "Carpe diem." - From the Horace Unus pro omnibus, Omnes pro uno: "One for all, all for one" (corresponding to English: One for all, all for one) - Swiss national motto, Alexandre Dumas' motto Veritas: "Truth." - Harvard University motto Mens et Manus: "Use both hands and brain." - MIT motto Dei sub numine viget: "Let her prosper in the name of God." - Princeton University motto Lux et veritas: "Light and knowledge." - Yale University motto Novus ordo seclorum: “New order of the times. ” —Yale Business School motto Tempus omnia revelat: “Time will reveal everything. ” Hinc lucem et pocula sacra: “This is the place of enlightenment, the source of knowledge. ” —Cambridge University motto Dominus Illuminatio Mea: “The Lord illuminates me. "——Sapientia Et Virtus, the motto of the University of Oxford: "Wisdom and virtue (literal translation)" (The official Chinese motto is "Mingde Gewu", which comes from "The University".) - The motto of the University of Hong Kong, Via Veritas Vita: "Method, truth ,life. ” - Rumored to be Jesus Christ, motto of the University of Glasgow