1. No self.
This is one of the first signs of the five aggregates of clinging discovered by the Buddha. The first signs of the five aggregates are "impermanence, suffering, and selflessness"; what is the "first sign"? Phase refers to the same characteristics. The Buddha said, "What is selfless is not me, is not what I am, and is not what I am." It is selfless in an unrealistic sense. When one observes the impermanence of feelings, if he observes this way, he will tame desire and greed (anger) in the feeling. When he observes the impermanence of feelings, if he observes this way, he will realize that he is not me, not my place, and not my body.
2. The superego
is the moral self located at the highest level of the personality structure and follows moral principles.
3. The free self
is located in the middle layer of the personality structure, responsible for mediating between the id and superego and following the reality principle.