This sentence is Zhu Xi’s annotation on Confucius’ Analects of Confucius: “Restraining oneself and restoring propriety is benevolence.”
Meaning: Those who practice benevolence must have a way to overcome their own selfish desires and restore propriety and justice. Then everything they do will follow the laws of heaven, and we will also preserve our benevolence again. heart.
There are several points that need to be explained here:
First, Zhu Xi believes that benevolence means the complete virtue of the original heart, and "the virtue of the original heart is restored to me" "Yu" expresses the passive voice, "all for me" means "all for me", so it is translated as "we will also preserve our benevolent heart again";
Secondly, there is, It means that there are certain conditions, reasons, etc., here it is in the form of "a useful method for...".