1. Zheng said: "The reason why the king is wise is that he also listens; the reason why he is dark is that he is partial to faith." - Tang Dynasty Wu Jing's "Zhenguan Zhengyao"
Translation : Wei Zheng replied: "The reason why a monarch can be wise is because he can listen to all sides of the story; the reason why he can be dim is because he listens and believes one way or another."
2. A cut with a lead knife, a good workmanship It is not valued because small good deeds are not enough to cover up evil; white jade has slight flaws, but good people will not abandon it, and small flaws are not enough to hinder great beauty. ——"On the Gentleman and the Villain" by Wei Zheng of the Tang Dynasty
Translation: The small advantages of a villain are like the sharp points on a lead knife. The sharp point on the lead knife is not valued by skilled craftsmen. This small advantage is not enough to cover up the many shortcomings. A good businessman will not dislike white jade with slight flaws, and small spots will not hinder the overall beauty of white jade.
3. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and be frugal. ——Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng's "Ten Thoughts on Remonstrance to Emperor Taizong"
Translation: Think about dangers in a comfortable environment, avoid luxury and practice frugality.
4. Resentment is not big, but people can be feared; it is advisable to be cautious when carrying a boat and overturning it. ——Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng's "Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong"
Translation: The resentment (of the subjects) against the monarch does not matter, what is terrible is the strength of the people; (like water) they can carry ships, and they can To capsize a ship, this is something that should be done with deep caution.
5. If you want a tree to grow long, you must strengthen its roots; if you want a tree to flow far, you must dredge its source; if you want the safety of your country, you must accumulate its virtues. ——Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng's "Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong"
Translation: If you want a tree to grow well, you must make its roots strong; if you want a spring to flow far, you must dredge its source; If you want the country to be stable, you must accumulate morality, benevolence and righteousness.