Marx said: "Capitalists are afraid of no profit or too little profit, just like nature is afraid of a vacuum. Once there is an appropriate profit, capital will be bold. If there is a profit of 10%, capital will be guaranteed to be everywhere." Use; with a profit of 20%, capital can become active; with a profit of 50%, capital will take desperate risks; for a profit of 100%, capital dares to trample all human laws; with a profit of more than 300%, capital dares to commit any crime, even To risk hanging."
Marx was a great German thinker, statesman, philosopher, economist, revolutionary and sociologist. His major works include "Das Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto". The well-known philosophical thought founded by Marx is historical materialism, and its greatest wish is the comprehensive and free development of individuals. Marx created a great economic theory.
As far as he is concerned, his extremely great work is "Das Kapital", and Marx established his exposition principle as "Critique of Political Economy". Marx believed that this is the "principle of political economy" and this is the "essence". Later people can continue to study on this basis. Marx believed that the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat were equally inevitable.
The Marxist theory co-founded by him and Engels is considered to be the theoretical weapon and action guide that guides working people around the world in their struggle to realize the great ideals of socialism and communism.