Confucius said: No anger, no anger, no resentment. If an angle is not reversed by three angles, there will be no more.
Confucius said: "don't enlighten students until they try to understand, but they still can't figure it out;" Don't inspire students until they understand, but they can't express it perfectly. If he can't draw inferences, then don't go on. "
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The famous sentence "don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be reluctant, don't be angry" says: students will not inspire them if they don't think hard and can't figure it out; If you don't think about it, with some experience, you won't enlighten him if you want to say it but can't say it.
If a student doesn't think and experience something and wants to say it but can't say it, he won't enlighten him; If you don't think hard and can't figure it out, don't inspire him. It is often used to explain that students should be strictly required to think positively first, and then be inspired in time.
"Anger" is a contradictory psychological state in which students are actively thinking about a certain problem and are eager to solve it but have not yet figured it out. At this time, teachers should guide students' thinking methods in time to help students open their minds. This is "enlightenment".
"Anger" is another contradictory psychological state that students have been thinking about a certain problem for a while, but they have not yet considered it mature, but they want to say it but are difficult to express it. At this time, teachers should help students clear their minds, understand the essential attributes of things, and then express them in more accurate language, which is "hair".
Baidu Encyclopedia-"Shuer"