The famous sayings of the Analects of Confucius to express gratitude to teachers are as follows:
1. Confucius said: A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but he will kill himself to fulfill his benevolence.
2. Confucius said: People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, it is confusion, and you will never be able to understand it.
3. Confucius said: For a gentleman, things are easy but difficult to explain; for a villain, things are difficult but easy to explain.
4. Confucius said: It would be humiliating to serve many kings; it would be disgraceful to have many friends.
5. Confucius said: Isn’t it true that one should learn and practice from time to time? Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? If a person doesn't know something but doesn't get upset, he is not a gentleman.
6. Confucius said: When three people walk together, there must be a teacher from me; choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
7. The Master said: At ten, I am determined to learn; at thirty, I am established; at forty, I am not confused; at fifty, I know the destiny; at sixty, my ears are obedient; at seventy, I follow my heart's desires without exceeding the rules.
8. Yan Yuan asked Ren. Confucius said: To overcome oneself and restore propriety is benevolence. Once you have restrained yourself and restored your rites, the world will return to benevolence. Is it up to oneself to be benevolent, rather than up to others? Yan Yuan said: Please ask about his eyes. Confucius said: Do not look at anything that is not propriety, do not hear anything that is not propriety, do not speak anything that is not propriety, do not move anything that is not propriety.
9. Confucius said: Zilu asked: What have you heard and done? Confucius said: How can I hear this and do it when my father and brother are here? Ran You asked: What have you heard and done? Confucius said: Hear this and do it. Gong Xihua said: You also asked, "I heard this and did it." Zi said, "My father and brother are here." Chi Ye is confused and dares to ask. Confucius said: Seeking means retreating, so go forward; relying on others also attracts people, so retreat.
10. The Master said: You are so virtuous, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in the back alleys, people can't bear the worries, and they won't change their happiness when they return. Xian Zai, come back!
11. Confucius said: You! Do you know this? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, this is knowing.
12. Confucius said: I know things silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is that for me?
13. Confucius said: It is useless for me to go all day without food and all night without sleep to think. It is better to learn.
14. Confucius said: When a disciple enters, he will be filial, and when he leaves, he will be a younger brother. He will be sincere and trustworthy, and he will love everyone and be kind. If you have enough energy to do it, study literature.
15. Confucius said: If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened; if you are not angry, you will not be angry. If you take one corner and don't turn it back with three, there will be no recovery.