1. A scholar who aspires to the Tao but is ashamed of bad clothes and bad food is not worthy of discussion. ——Confucius' famous saying: When you are angry, you forget to eat, and when you are happy, you forget your worries. You don't know that when you are old, you eat sparingly and drink water. Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. Xian Zai, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear to worry about it.
2. In addition, there are some famous quotes from her. For example, from your wife’s newspaper, you think I know everything. These words directly made netizens laugh.
3. I suddenly felt that if I could take more actions, bet more, and doubt less in the emotional world, my life would be a new beginning.
4. I feel that losing the election is dignified and I have no regrets. ——The Voice of China contestant Na Ying mentors Zhang Hexuan 4 Mom, don’t worry, the world is not that scary, and I am not that timid School ——The Voice of China contestant Xu Haixing 5 After watching yesterday’s The Voice, I think the Harlem group is my favorite of a group.