18th century British philosopher, historian, and economist. He is regarded as one of the most important figures in the Scottish Enlightenment and the history of Western philosophy. Although modern studies of Hume's work focus on his philosophical ideas, he first became famous as a historian. His book "History of England" became the basic work in the field of English history for 60 to 70 years. Historians generally classify Hume's philosophy as thoroughly skeptical, but some argue that naturalism is also one of Hume's central ideas. Scholars of Hume are often divided between those who emphasize the skeptical element (such as logical positivism) and those who emphasize the naturalistic element. Hume's philosophy was deeply influenced by the empiricists John Locke and George Berkeley, as well as by some French writers. He also absorbed various English intellectuals such as Isaac Newton, Francis Hutcheson, Adam ·The theory of Smith et al.