Mencius' mother was called Meng Mu. Mencius lived near the cemetery when he was a child. Mencius learned some things like worship and played games to deal with funerals. His mother said, "This place is not suitable for children to live in." So he moved his family to the market, and Mencius learned some knowledge about business and slaughter. The mother thought again, "This place is still not suitable for children to live in." His family moved to Gong Xue. Mencius learned the etiquette of bowing forward and backward in the imperial court. Meng Mu said, "This is where children live." Settle here.
Meng Mu broke the knitting.
When Mencius was young, he came home from school and his mother was making brocade. (seeing him come back) He asked, "How are you studying?" Mencius (casually) said, "The same as in the past." Meng Mu (annoyed by his indifference) cuts the woven cloth with scissors. Mencius was very afraid. He asked his mother why she did it. Meng Mu said, "You neglected your studies, just like I cut this silk thread. Virtuous people study to establish a reputation, and ask more questions to increase their knowledge. So you can be peaceful at ordinary times and avoid disasters when you do things. If you neglect your studies now, you will inevitably do rough work, and disaster is inevitable. Why is it different from weaving for a living? What's the difference between this and weaving for a living? ) her husband and son give up halfway, how can they have clothes to wear and not be short of food for a long time? If a woman abandons the necessities needed to produce a family and a man relaxes his cultivation and virtue, then the family can only be a slave worker, not a robber or thief! " Mencius was startled. From then on, Mencius studied hard from morning till night, without rest, worshiped Zisi as a teacher, and finally became a person invited by universities all over the world. Kind people think that Meng Mu knows the rules of motherhood.
Study hard
Confucius spent a lot of energy reading the Book of Changes again and again, adding a lot of notes. I don't know how many times he opened it. It is generally believed that Confucius could read and write in this way, and the cowhide belt of serial bamboo slips was worn off several times and had to be replaced with new ones for repeated use. This is a metaphor for studying hard.