His ethical thoughts are mainly manifested in:
(1) On the object of ethics: It is believed that ethics studies the universal and inevitable laws of human will and its freedom.
(2) Transcendental "good will": "good will" is the starting point of Kant's ethics, which is produced by practical reason and is the innate ability of people to legislate their own will and behavior in order to realize freedom. A good will is not because of what it expects, not because it has achieved the predetermined goal, not because it has promoted things, but because of its will. It is self-sufficient, excluding the consideration and dependence of will on utilitarian and emotional factors, unconditional, the highest good and the condition for all other good things.
(3) Absolute orders: The moral principles promulgated by goodwill are absolute orders and absolute orders, and people have no choice but to obey them. There are three specific requirements: universal legislation, people-oriented and self-discipline.
(4) Practical reason and antinomy of three postulates: antinomy of morality and happiness; Freedom of Will, Immortality of Soul and the Existence of God.
(5) Theoretical essence: deontology, motivation and formalism.
Chairman Mao once said, "You can sleep and read for a day without eating." A good book grew with me. Do you know how to do it?