Confucius famously said on the wall of the United Nations: Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. There is no truth.
A good teacher can change the temperament of students. And there is a person who has a book that can change the temperament of a nation. This man is Confucius, and this book is The Analects. This nation is the Chinese nation, and this temperament is the "gentle" gentleman temperament. A few strange pieces of paper once in a hundred years are dust in a cellar for an eternal hero. Only the steadfast Confucianism has been kind and friendly to the people so far. Liu Chenglin craftsman 0537-68 14208 carved a stone statue of Confucius for the United Nations Hall. And the relief we carved and Confucius' famous saying in The Analects: "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." Today, if it has universal cultural principles, it still has practical significance to guide politicians around the world to deal with conflicts between countries, regions and different cultures!