Confucius's famous sayings in the Analects are as follows:
(1) "As a human being, he works hard and forgets to eat, and he is happy and forgets his worries. He is not the only one who knows how to deal with it. A gentleman is not in a hurry. Follow the rich. Be kind and do not give way to the master. The master said: If you fail to learn, you will lose it. The master said: "You can be a wife." Although he is in prison, it is not his crime. He gave it to his son and his wife. The son said to Nan Rong: "If a country has the Way, it will not be abolished. If it is without the Way, it will not be punished." "Take the wife of his brother's son."?
(2) "The moderation is the virtue, and it has come to an end! The people have been prosperous for a long time." "? Benevolence is beauty. If you choose not to be benevolent, how can you know! If you serve the king with courtesy, people will think you are flattering. Look at the reason, observe the reason, and observe where you are. How can a person be thin? If you are poor but have no flattery, you will be rich. But there is no arrogance. How is that?" Confucius said: "It's not like being poor and happy, but being rich is like being polite." Zi Gong said: "It's like cutting and grinding. "With?" Confucius said: "If you give it, you can just write a poem and tell everyone who is going to know what is coming."
(3) How can a country be governed by courtesy? If you can't rule the country with courtesy, what's the point of courtesy? In a city with ten houses, there must be someone as loyal and trustworthy as Qiu, who is not as studious as Qiu. I am born with virtue, how can Huanju do it? I can’t see a good person, but I can’t see a person who has permanence. What is lost becomes existence, what is empty becomes abundant, and what is agreed upon becomes peaceful. It is difficult to have eternity.
(4) That’s it! I have never seen anyone who can sue himself after seeing his fault. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. Isn't it too important to be benevolent when one considers one's duty? Isn't it too far away to just die? Confucius said: "The wishes of the country are the thieves of virtue."
Xi took it from the hall of three families!?