The proverb that a little adds up to a lot
●A drop of water makes a stream. (UK)
●An ax cannot chop down a big tree. (Soviet Union)
●Things are afraid of adding up. (United States)
●The pyramid is made of walls. (Arab)
●There is no such thing as a full meal. (Fresh)
●The tank can be filled even with dripping water. (Nepal)
●Drizzle can soak clothes. (Fresh)
●Paris was not built in a day. (France)
●Grapes mature bit by bit. (Latin America)
●If you add green grass to green grass, you will definitely be able to build a good bird's nest. (Europe)
●A slow carriage will overtake a running hare. (Soviet Union)
●The bird takes a mouthful of mud and builds a big nest in the tree. (Soviet Union)
●One shovel cannot dig a well, and one day cannot build the city of Rome. (Germany)
●A horse grows up from a foal, and money accumulates from a penny to a penny. (Soviet Union)
●Standing water can become a deep pool, and accumulating knowledge can make people smart. (Japan)
●One penny can be accumulated into two cents, and one horse can be raised into a herd of horses. (Soviet Union)
●Add a little bit, add a little bit, and add a little bit again, so that over time, knowledge will pile up like a mountain. (Czech Republic)
●If you add up every drop of knowledge, you will become a big river; if you accumulate a little bit of knowledge, you will become a scholar. (Soviet Union);