2. Confucius said: There must be a teacher in a threesome! -Confucius
3. Confucius said: review the past and learn new things, and you can be a teacher! -Confucius
4. There are three friends who benefit and three friends who lose. Friends are straightforward, friends forgive, and friends are more knowledgeable, which is beneficial; Friends make friends, be friendly and soft, and friends will be ruined and damaged. -Confucius
5. Confucius said: the benevolent does not worry, the knowledgeable does not doubt, and the brave does not fear. -Confucius
6. Confucius said: gentlemen are harmonious but different, while villains are the same but not harmonious. -Confucius
7. If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. -Confucius
8. Confucius said: It is difficult to eat all day long and have no intention. -Confucius
9. Confucius said: courtesy and rudeness are tiring, caution and rudeness are embarrassing, courage and rudeness are chaotic, and straightness and rudeness are twisted. -Confucius
1. Confucius said: A gentleman is respectful without loss, respectful and courteous to others, and all men are brothers in the four seas.-Confucius
11. How do you know death if you don't know life? -Confucius
12. Scholars have to be unyielding and have a long way to go. Benevolence thinks it's done, isn't it heavy? Isn't it far to die? The Analects of Confucius, a rotten wood cannot be carved. -Confucius
13. -Confucius
14. Confucius said: the knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, and the brave is not afraid. -Confucius
15. Be knowledgeable in writing and make an appointment with courtesy. -Confucius
16. Confucius said: a gentleman's righteousness is quality, courtesy is action, sun is action, and faith is success. Gentleman! -Confucius
17. Confucius said: see no evil, don't listen to evil, don't say evil, don't move if you are evil. -Confucius
18. Confucius said: Learn silently, never tire of learning, and never tire of teaching others! -Confucius
19. Confucius said: rigidity, fortitude, wood, and laziness are close to benevolence. -Confucius
2. Confucius said: an upright man is open and poised, little people are always in solidarity. -Confucius
21. Less is nature, and habits are nature. -Confucius
22. Confucius said: If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand. -Confucius
23. Confucius said: See the sage Si Qi Yan, and introspect if you don't see the sage. -Confucius