01. Confucius said: Wealth can be sought after, even if you are a whip-wielding man, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do as I like. ——Confucius
02. Confucius said: Learn and practice from time to time. ——Confucius
03. Confucius said: Love what your parents love, and respect what your parents respect. ——Confucius
04. Confucius said: The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, the brave do not fear. ——Confucius
05. Confucius said: A gentleman is cautious and does not fight, and he is a group but not party. ——Confucius
06. Confucius said: To restrain oneself and restore propriety is benevolence. If one day restrains oneself and returns to ritual, the world will return to benevolence. Is it up to oneself to be benevolent, rather than up to others? ——Confucius
07. Confucius said: If you are angry and forget to eat, if you are happy and forget your worries, you don’t know that old age is coming. ——Confucius
08. Confucius said: The purpose of etiquette is harmony. ——Confucius
09. Confucius said: A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The road ahead is long and long. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your duty? Isn't it just a matter of time before death? To quote Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius", rotten wood cannot be carved. ——Confucius
10. Confucius said: Aspire to Tao, base on virtue, rely on benevolence, and wander in art. ——Confucius
11. Confucius said: A gentleman is respectful and courteous. He is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world. ——Confucius
12. Confucius said: With Make friends and keep your word. ——Confucius
13. Confucius said: There are three friends who benefit and three friends who harm. Friends who are straightforward, friends who are forgiving, friends who are well-informed, are beneficial; friends who are friendly are open-minded, friends who are gentle, friends who are sycophantic, are harmed. ——Confucius
14. Confucius said: He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. ——Confucius
15. Confucius said: Do not deceive yourself internally, and do not deceive others externally. ——Confucius
16. Confucius said: Don’t express your anger, don’t do it twice. ——A collection of famous sayings by Confucius
17. Confucius said: The wise are happy in water, and the benevolent are happy in mountains. The wise are active, the benevolent are still, the wise are happy, the benevolent are long-lived. From the Analects of Confucius, those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. ——Confucius
18. Confucius said: There is no way to change customs without being good at music. ——Confucius
19. Confucius said: If quality is superior to literature, it will be wild; if literature is superior to quality, history will be achieved. Be polite, then be a gentleman. ——Confucius
20. Confucius said: Learning without thinking will lead to peril; thinking without learning will lead to peril! ——Confucius
21. Confucius said: If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. ——Confucius
22. Confucius said: Teach students in accordance with their aptitude. ——Confucius
23. Confucius taught four things: writing, conducting, and being faithful. ——Confucius
24. Confucius said: Strength, perseverance, wood, restraint and benevolence. ——Confucius
25. Confucius said: If you aspire to be benevolent, there is no evil. ——Confucius
26. Confucius said: Be knowledgeable in literature and make appointments with etiquette. ——Confucius’ famous saying
27. Confucius said: If you don’t know life, how can you know death? ——Confucius
28. Confucius said: Knowledge is within reach, but stupidity is beyond reach. ——Confucius
29. Confucius said: If a person is rude, he will not be born; if a person is rude, he will not succeed; if the country is rude, he will not be guarded. ——Confucius
30. Confucius said: Gentlemen are harmonious but not uniform; villains are harmonious but not harmonious. ——Confucius
31. Confucius said: Master smiled. ——Confucius
32. Confucius said: If one does not uphold virtue and does not believe in the truth sincerely, how can one live or die? ——Confucius
33. Confucius said: If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. ——Confucius
34. Confucius said: The ancients could not say what they said, and they could not catch it when they were ashamed. ——Confucius
35. Confucius said: respectful, tolerant, trustworthy, sensitive, and merciful. If you are respectful, you will not be insulted, if you are tolerant, you will win people, if you are trustworthy, you will be accepted by others, if you are sensitive, you will be successful, and if you are kind, you will be able to win over others. ——Confucius
36. Confucius said: It is inspired by "Poetry", established by etiquette, and achieved by music. ——Confucius
37. Confucius said: If you are above the middle person, you can speak well; if you are below the middle person, you cannot speak well. ——Confucius
38. Confucius said: Look in front of you, and suddenly you are behind. Master is always good at seducing people. He persuades me with words and invites me with courtesy. ——Confucius
39. Confucius said: If three people are walking together, they must have me as their teacher! ——Confucius
40. Confucius said: He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions.
I hope you will adopt it, thank you!