Jewel: Aw, this is great. I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly! Jewel: "Aw, this is great. I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly! The only flightless bird is locked together! Rafael: Psst! Blu, down here. Tell her, you have beautiful eyes. Blu: That's good, great idea! I have beautiful eyes. Jewel: Yeah, okay, sure, they're nice. Rafael: No! "Her eyes", "Her eyes"! Blu: Well, your eyes. Your eyes are great, not mine. I mean mine are okay, but yours... I bet you can see right through them. Raphael: Hey! Blue, tell her, your eyes are beautiful. Blue: Okay, good idea! Pearl: Uh... Yes, yes, yes. Raphael: No! "Her eyes"! Blue: Oh, your eyes are great, not mine. It's okay, but your eyes... your eyes can see through it. Jewel: Ah, this is great! I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly! Blu: Actually, there are 40 species of flightless. birds.Jewel: Duck!Blu: No, ducks can fly!Jewel: No! Duck!Jewel: Oh, how wonderful! I am locked with the only bird in the world that cannot fly! : In fact, there are 40 species of flightless birds in the world. Pearl: Lower your head! (lower head also refers to ducks) Blue: No, ducks can fly! Pearl: No, I told you to lower your head! Running Blue hits the board)