Again and again, Ye. -speaking. Press, the hall side says cheap, so wide. The emperor hall is nine feet, the princes are seven feet, everyone is five feet, and the scholars are three feet. The side of the hall is as high as it.
Cheap-the edge is called cheap, and the corner is called corner. -Integrity (angle and square) in Nine Chapters of Arithmetic; Lianli (sharp); Low angle (low angle, low angle); Hua Lian (angular). Used to be called a man of integrity and meticulousness.
Cheap, the fate is also. -Guangya. According to the publishing house, what does edge mean? In fact, it is borrowed.
Bolian -"Imperial Secretary". Note: "Li Yanye."
Its utensils are cheap and deep. -Lu Chunqiu. Note: "Profit is like cutting gold."
Honest but not sincere. -Xunzi is meticulous
It is also cheap to be proud of the past. -The Analects of Confucius Yang Huo
It's not cheap to let people suffer, but I enjoy the benefits. -Zhuangzi.
Honest people will not be eaten by others. -Biography of Women in the Later Han Dynasty
His behavior is cheap. -Historical Records Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng
Another example: Shu Lian (integrity and arrogance)
[Sincerity] Sincerity; Integrity]
Cheap and clean. -Guangya
People who are clean and honest are also respected. -guiguzi
Accept the injury and face it honestly. Honesty is also a noble act. -Mencius
Words are profitable, apologies are unforgettable, and they are very cheap. -Jiazi Daoism
One is honest and kind, and the other is honest and capable. -Li Xiaozhou zai
So are those who are honest and brave. -King Dai Dai.
Unite young people and be honest. -"Chu Ci evokes the soul". Note: "Don't be greedy for cheap."
Honesty is the wish of this festival. -Liu Tang Zongyuan's "Liuhe East Collection"
He is stingy with himself. -Tang Hanyu's "Wounds"