1, The Book of Rites records that Confucius said, "Love is the greatest when politics is ancient." Zhu made a note in the Book of Rites: "People are the foundation of the country, politics is the way, and love is the greatest." To love the people is to love the people, and to serve the country is to serve the people. Confucius believed that the governance of the national government should take loving the people as the primary goal.
2. "Li Yun" records: "The trip to the avenue is also public." When governing the country, the world belongs to the people.
3. According to the Analects of Confucius, Confucius said, "If the people benefit, they will benefit." Confucius advocated that the national government should guide and encourage people to do things that are beneficial to them, and the interests of the national government are the interests of the people.