How dangerous it is! The road to Shu is as difficult as climbing to the sky! There is a high mark for the six dragons to return to the sun above, and there is a rushing and turning back to Sichuan below. The difficulty of the road to Shu is as difficult as going up to the blue sky, which makes people listen to this withered beauty. The sword pavilion is majestic and Cui Wei. One man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it. He avoids tigers in the morning and long snakes at night. He grinds his teeth to suck blood and kills people like numbness. I took a long breath to cover my tears. I mourned the hardships of the people's life, but I still have a good heart. Although I died nine times, I still have no regrets. I would rather die in exile. I can't bear this state, so I keep my innocence and die straight, to consolidate the former saint. The lotus made of thick lotus is used as clothes, the lotus is gathered as the clothes are high, and the crown is shaky. People in Luli have their own happiness in their lives. I only like to cultivate as usual. Although I understand that I have not changed, how can I care about it? The first night of the Xunyang River saw off guests, the maple leaves and flowers were so drunk in the autumn that we couldn't be happy to say goodbye. At the time of farewell, the moon was soaked in the vast river, and the thousands of people came out, still holding the pipa half-hiding, the big strings were noisy like the torrential rain, and the small strings were noisy. The strings are like whispers. The strings are plucked three or two times. Before the tune is formed, there is a cacophony of love. The strings are strung together. Big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate. It is difficult to swallow under the flowing ice. The ice spring is cold and astringent. The strings are condensed. There is no sadness and hatred. At this time, Silence is better than sound. The silver vase bursts into the water. The cavalry protrudes with swords and guns. The east boat is silent. The west boat is silent. I only see the autumn moon in the heart of the river. The silver grate smashes into pieces. The blood-red skirt turns over and is stained by wine. This year's laughter returns to the next. The autumn moon and the spring breeze pass easily. There are few cars and horses in front of the door. The boss is married to a merchant woman and comes to the river mouth to guard the empty boat. The moon is bright and the river is cold around the boat. Late at night, I suddenly dream of a young boy. I dream and cry, and my makeup and tears are red. We are both from the end of the world. Why should we have known each other when we met? What do I hear at dusk? The cuckoo sings and the blood ape screams. Who weeps the most in the seat? Jiangzhou Sima’s green shirt is wet