The true perfection of a person does not lie in what he has, but in what he is.
We are great, powerful and extraordinary Spiritual light, living in this material world, has dignity, direction, and goals.
I can still clearly recall how the thirteen light spirits let me know when I was about to die for the first time. I have a deep understanding of the fact that we are great, powerful, and extraordinary spiritual beings. I hope you understand that it was not at all difficult for me to believe this fact, especially because the moment they told me this fact, my burning The charred body was lying in the hospital, covered from head to toe with a stiff white sheet, waiting to be sent to be refrigerated. However, after returning from heaven, I was eager to find out the meaning of these words for myself. Great, What is the true meaning of being powerful and extraordinary? I find it difficult to understand, because how can we, poor, pathetic humans with so many obvious shortcomings, be wonderful and powerful?
Therefore , I tried my best to find. What follows is my philosophical explanation of what I think is the truth, which includes my fifty-seven years of life experience and my encounters in different dimensions. Some of the information is Some I knew before my near-death experience, and others I didn't know before. The greatness that lies at the core of every human being is measured primarily by the courage we possess, and it is this spiritual courage that is most expressed. What is obvious is this: we decide to enter the physical body. It then manifests itself through our commitment to manifesting and supporting a physical reality. I firmly believe that only great heroes will take over in this chaotic age. Going through life's tasks. Our planet will experience unprecedented chaos and unpredictable changes in the next ten years.
I see this every time I visit the other side. , everyone comes to the world with a specific mission, to help manifest perfection on earth, this mission will be carried out in accordance with the divine will of the universe. At the same time, we also voluntarily complete specific life missions, and these missions It is designed to help us achieve the most personal growth in the shortest possible time. Seventy or eighty years of human life is as long as eternity to us, but from the perspective of an immortal being, it is difficult to accomplish such a major task. There is not much time for such achievements. Therefore, we understand what true greatness is: trying to complete a seemingly impossible task in little to almost no time. Isn’t this courage? Of course it is !
Our true power, on the other hand, is that we are unique sparks of divinity. The Holy Spirit communicates His eternal growth through our collective thoughts, words, and actions. of power and beauty. In fact, I believe that our thoughts are the most profound expression of our mortal power, and that spiritual power grows in equal proportion with our deliberate and conscious intention, so long as that intention is to serve our lives. , other people's lives, and the world at large. The changes we intentionally cause, whether positive or negative, create a ripple effect that spreads throughout the universe. This will happen because we are all one. Although you You may think this has become a cliché, but it is still true.
From the pebbles on the beach to the infinite universe, everything is connected in the "unity" of the Holy Spirit. ——Let this passage become a stepping stone to lead you to read the rest of this book (and I hope this will be a stepping stone to the rest of your life). The spiritual system is established in this way, in which everyone is the guardian of each other. . Have you ever stopped to wonder why the Divine is so powerful? Well, just think about it, we can't be everything that the Divine is not, so the Divine can be just as smart as us, right?
Believe me, what you have read is only a small part. I assure you that what I said is definitely not the psychological terms that others have always fed into you. This is an unshakable fact that is determined by all existence. We all have to take action together. I have my own interpretation of these facts, and everyone does, because our consciousness shapes the world we live in—our experiences of life, death, and the afterlife. What we really What needs to be understood is that everything everyone thinks, says, or does affects others in some way. Please pause here and carefully chew and absorb these few sentences you have just read.
Even after I have evolved spiritually and learned more about this matter, sometimes I still feel that it is really difficult to be unselfish and not self-centered. In order to apply that On the four-fold path to power, we must abandon all selfish and self-centered thoughts. I understand that what I ask you to do is quite difficult, but you don’t know how arrogant and arrogant I am. Once, I really Thinking that the only opinion that matters is mine. I'm not kidding! For many years, I truly believed that I was the only person who mattered in every situation and on every issue. But I was destined to discover the truth, and so were you, because here we are The purpose of being here is to move and live in loving "oneness." It's time to let go of all your ego, start today! In the supernatural world, we know when a student is ready , the teacher will appear. And you are reading this page, which means you are ready to actively respond to these truths.