Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty led his favorite concubine and minister to flee to Shu, and Chang 'an fell. With the fall of Chang 'an, many princes, nobles, officials and literati became prisoners of the Anshi Rebellion. Wang Wei's poems are very famous, and An Lushan sealed Wang Wei's post at that time. Although Wang Wei tried his best to resist and refuse, he was finally forced to give a fake post. Eight years later, after the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty convicted these officials according to their positions in the puppet government during the Anshi Rebellion. Wang Wei changed his fate because of a poem.
Which poem changed Wang Wei's fate? What little-known stories are hidden behind this poem?
In the winter of the fourteenth year of Tianbao, Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Tang Dynasty, fell shortly after the Anshi Rebellion broke out. An Lushan led the army, burned and plundered the whole city of Luoyang, and some of the children of Liyuan in the Tang Dynasty were captured because of their lewdness. An Lushan forced the children in these pear orchards to play musical instruments for them. One of them, Lei Haiqing, refused to cooperate, threw the instrument on the ground, cried in the West, and angered An Lushan. An Lushan then ordered the brutal dismemberment of Lei Haiqing. After hearing the news, Wang Wei, who was in Bordet, Luoyang City, was very sad, so he wrote the poem "Ningbichi":
Every family is sad and crazy, and a hundred people are empty.
Autumn locust leaves fall into the deep palace, and orchestral strings are played in the pool.
"Picnic" tells us that this is no longer the smoke curled up in peacetime. At that time, Luoyang city was trampled and poisoned by Anshi rebels. In such a turbulent era, thousands of families suffered from war.
"Sorrow" expresses the poet's inner feelings.
The key point is the second sentence, "When will the officials go to the sky?" It is said that when can we bureaucrats and officials of the Tang Dynasty worship the emperor of the Tang Dynasty? So this sentence alone shows the poet Wang Wei's loyalty to the monarch and his love for que, that is, his heroic loyalty to the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, after the Anshi Rebellion, Wang Wei was not punished too much for this poem. Therefore, this poem completely changed Wang Wei's fate, and thus became a much-told story in the history of Tang poetry development.
This is really:
Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, but the straw is poetry!