A gentleman has three kinds of happiness, and the king of the world does not care about him. His parents exist, and his brothers have no reason. In other words, there are three kinds of happiness. A gentleman has three kinds of happiness, but the king of the world does not share them.
People always make mistakes, and then they can change; trapped in the heart, balanced by considerations, and then act; marked by color, produced by sound, and then metaphor.
What a person can do without learning is his good ability; what he knows without worrying about it is his good knowledge.
Those who abuse themselves cannot be talked to; those who abandon themselves cannot be talked to.
Although you have wisdom, it is better to take advantage of the situation; although you have the foundation, it is better to wait for the time.
When I am old, I am in harmony with others; when I am young, I am in harmony with others.
Wan Zhong accepts it without arguing about etiquette and righteousness. How can Wan Zhong add anything to me?
Wealth and honor cannot be immoral, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot bend.
If you are rich, you can help the world; if you are poor, you can only take care of yourself.
If you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world.
The people are the most important, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important.
A gentleman has limited capacity and swallows hundreds of rivers.
Only being filial to your parents can relieve worries.
Without rules, it is impossible to build a square garden.
If you don’t follow the rules, you cannot become a square or a circle.
If you gain the right, you will get many help, but if you lose the right, you will get little help.
was born in sorrow and died in happiness.
It is better to have no books at all than to believe in all the books.
The best way to nourish the heart is to be less greedy.
Everyone can be like Yao and Shun.
Chapter 1: Inspirational quotes about reading.
1, not for a plan, but for the world. Ying Jin
An ideal book is the key to wisdom. -lev tolstoy
3, the