1. Only beautiful exchanges can unite society, because it is related to something that everyone has in common.
2. As long as millions of working people unite as one and follow the outstanding figures of their own class, victory will be guaranteed. Lenin
3. Everything that unites people is goodness and beauty, and everything that divides people is evil and ugliness.
4. If a person relies on himself alone, if he stays outside the collective relationship, and outside the scope of any great ideas that unite the people, he will become lazy, conservative and inconsistent with the development of life. People who are hostile to each other.
5. Pruned trees grow straight and tall; people who work together are united firmly.
6. Our cause is just and our unity is strong.
7. In order to achieve great goals and unity, the millions of troops necessary for this should always keep the main things in mind and not lose their way due to unnecessary carping.
8. With unity and one heart and one mind, any powerful enemy and any difficult environment will surrender to us.
9. Unity brings strength and wisdom. Without sincerity or insufficient equality, there can be no lasting and sincere unity.
10. Unity is strength.