Infantry: elite guard corps, as long as the infantry battalion is upgraded to the top, its advantages are high armor, strong attack and strong defense, but its weakness is that there is no bonus against cavalry;
Archers: You can hire Crete archers in Sparta, who are the strongest in Gong Bing. You can also build an auxiliary barracks in Athens to recruit them. The advantages are high morale, fast firing rate, high hit rate, the highest whiteboard attack, and your own whistling arrows, rockets and armor-piercing arrows. The disadvantage is that your armor is low, but generally your armor in Gong Bing is not high, and your bow is relatively high. The firing rate and hit of Kegong is the biggest with the standard arrow, because the armor-piercing arrow reduces the hit and range, and the armor in Rome 2 is not fixed, and it will gradually weaken and eventually disappear with the increase of the number of blows. Therefore, after the first two or three rounds of volley of Kegong, the opposite side will almost become naked ti, and the arrow will be blocked by the shield alone, and the killing will gradually increase, without the need for special heavy arrows, so that the position is too prominent and easy to be dried by enemy cavalry and infantry;
Stonecutters: directly hire Rhode Island Stonecutters. Don't underestimate the stone-thrower, Luo 2' s armor and defense calculation led to the rise of long-range troops. In Luo 2, the shield only defends the front, while the armor only loses its value once it is touched. The stone thrower has high firing rate, high armor penetration, long range and high moving speed, which can cause considerable damage whether it is output to the enemy standing in front or moving to the enemy's back as a skirmisher.
Cavalry: Roman cavalry is quite weak, and the top guard cavalry in our country is at most a level 3 unit, so it is impossible to get rid of it.
If you are an expert in the operation of assault cavalry, you can build auxiliary barracks in Rome and recruit elite knights of the alliance, but you can barely use it, counting the bonus of generals and troops in the later period.
it's easy to play melee cavalry if you think it's complicated to drag and drop the cavalry repeatedly. In Great Greece, that is, the province where Syracuse is located, you can recruit and hire Campania cavalry (or later lay Celtic Gaul, build auxiliary barracks, and recruit noble cavalry), which is the top melee cavalry. I always feel that this cargo is completely mounted by the elite Roman Guards, with super armor, which is not inferior to the Middle East races and armored armor, and the attack is super high, which is not inferior to the Roman Guards, and the weapon damage is even more than that of the guards. As long as it's not a gunner who opened a phalanx, he can dismount and chop it down (of course, if he has to), but the whiteboard defense is poor, which means that it is easy to be hit and killed by the enemy. Therefore, if there is any operation, it is better to play with the impact cavalry, and the opposite side is directly washed white, which reduces the loss of troops in the melee after being stuck.
siege weapon: whatever you like, you can play with a catapult or a catapult. The catapult has a longer range than the catapult, but its accuracy is not as good as that of the catapult. The small catapult is flexible and cheap, but it is not suitable for siege, especially for the giant city wall in the later period. The fixed catapult is powerful, but it can't be moved, which means that if you judge the wrong enemy's direction, the weapon will be invalid.
In addition, it is suggested that you recruit two strong marines. For example, in the later period, the hired marines in Great Greece can get 14 armor and 1 defense. Their line resistance is far better than that of the elite guards in Rome, and their attacks are not weak. The disadvantage is that their long-range defense is weak and they are not equipped with javelins. When you are trapped by several pairs of full-fledged enemies and need to defend the city, the efficiency of hiring heavily armed soldiers is higher than that of Roman guards; It's a pity that Rome can't recruit any phalanx marines. The phalanx marines can be regarded as a bug and invincible. Any infantry, including Roman guards, even the lowest conscript phalanx marines will suffer heavy casualties. The only fear is long-range and chrysanthemum explosion, so when you attack the phalanx marines of Greek department, try to use long-range weapons, and never engage in melee unless you use cavalry to explode chrysanthemums.