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English famous quotes and aphorisms with Chinese translation

100 famous English aphorisms with Chinese translation

1. Never say die.

2. Nocross, nocrown. How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain.

3.Newwineinoldbottles. New wine in old bottles.

4. Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. It is not too late to make up for the situation.

5.Nogardenwithoutitsweeds.There is no garden without itsweeds.

6.Nolivingmanallthingscan. There is no one who knows everything.


8.Nomanisbornwiseorlearned.No one is born wise.

9.Nomaniscontent. A snake swallows an elephant when the human heart is not enough.

10. Nomanis wise all times. Smart for a while, confused for a while.

11.Nonearesoblindasthosewhowon'tsee. Turn a blind eye.

12.Nonearesodeafasthosewhowon'tear. Turn a deaf ear.

13.No news is good news. No news is good news.

14.Noonecancallbackyesterday. Yesterday will not happen again.

15.Nopains, nogains. No pain, no gain.

16.Nopleasure without pain. Without pain, there is no happiness.

17. Norosewithoutathorn. There is no rose without thorns.

18.Nosweetwithoutsweat. Bitter first and then sweet.

19. No smoke without fire.

20. Nothingbrave, nothinghave. If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get the tiger’s cubs.

21.Nothingdriessoonerthanatear. Tears dry the fastest.

22.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind.

23.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. 24. Nothingseek, nothingfind. No pursuit, no gain.

25.Nothing issonecessaryfortravelersaslanguages. When traveling, language is the most important thing.

26.Nothingistobegotwithoutpainsbutpoverty. The only thing in the world that can be gained without pain is poverty.

27. Not to advance or retreat.

28. Nottoknowwhathappenedbeforeonewasbornisalwaystobeachild. Not understanding of the world, childish and ridiculous.

29.Nowayisimpossibletocourage.The brave have no fear.

30. Obedience is the first duty of as oldier. Soldiers have the duty to obey orders.

31.Observation is the best teacher. Observation is the best teacher.

32. Offense is the best defense. Offense is the best defense.

33. Old friends and old wines are best. Old wine tastes mellow and old friendships are deep.

34.Oldsinmakesnewshame. One mistake can lead to eternal hatred.

35. Once a man and twice a child. Once old, twice young.

36. Once thief, always thief. Steal once, be a thief forever.

37. Once bitten, twiceshy. Once bitten by a snake, I will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

38. One boyisaboy, twoboyshalfaboy, threeboysnoboy. One monk carried water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and the three monks had no water to drink.

39.One cannot put back the clock. The clock cannot be turned back.

40.One eyewitness is better than tenhearsays. One eyewitness is better than one sight.

41.One false move may lose the game. One careless move will lead to losing the game.

42.One good turn deserves another. Do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

43. One hour today is worth two tomorrow. Race against time and be efficient.

44.Oneman'sfaultisotherman'slesson.Learning from the past.

45.One never loses anything by politeness. Be polite and don’t suffer any loss.

46.One swallow does not make summer.


48.Out of debt, out of danger. Debt-free and light.

49. Out of office, out of danger. Without an official, one is light.

50. Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, the mind is quiet.

51. Patience is the best remedy. Patience is the best medicine.

52.Pennywise, poundfoolish. Take advantage of small things and suffer big losses.

53.Plaindealingispraisedmorethanpracticed. An upright person talks more but does less.

54. Pleasetheeyeandplaguetheheart. Coveting for temporary happiness will inevitably leave behind hidden troubles.


56.Pourwaterintoasieve.Pour water into a bamboo basket in vain.

57.Practicemakesperfect. Practice makes perfect.

58.Praiseisnotpudding. Compliments cannot be eaten.

59.Praisemakesgoodmenbetter,andbadmenworse. The more good people praise, the better, and the more bad people praise, the worse they get.

60. Prefer loss to unjust gain. Would rather suffer a loss than be greedy for gain.

61. Prevention is better than cure. Prevention is better than cure.

62. Pride goes before, and shame comes after. Pride makes people fall behind.

63. Promise is debt. A promise is worth a thousand dollars.

64.Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience. Proverbs are the crystallization of daily experience.

65. Pull the chestnut out of fire. Pull chestnuts from the fire.

66. Put the cart before the horse. Put the cart before the horse.


68. Reading enriches the mind. Opening the book is beneficial.

69. Reading to the mind while exercise to the body. Reading is good for the brain and exercise is good for the body.

70. Respectyourself, ornooneelsewillrespectyou. To be respected, you must respect yourself.

71.Rome is not built in a day. Three feet of ice is not built in one day.

72. Saying something else and doing another. Sayings and doings are inconsistent.

73.Seeingisbelieving. Seeing is believing.

74.Seek the truth from facts.

75.Sendawisemanonanerrand, andsaynothingtohim. A wise man is on duty, and there is no need to explain.

76.Setathieftocatchathief. Use a thief to catch a thief.

77.Shortaccountsmakelongfriends.Good friends keep accounts diligently.

78.Something is better than nothing.

79.Soonlearn, soonforgotten. Learn quickly and forget quickly.

80.Soonripe, soonrotten. It ripens quickly and rots quickly.

81.Speechissilver, silenceisgold. Speech is silver, silence is gold.

82.Stillwaterrundeep.Still water is often deep. 83.Strike theironwhileitshot. Strike while the iron is hot.

84. Success belongs to the persevering. Persistence is victory.

85. Take things as they come. Take things as they come.

86.Talkingmendsnoholes. Talking is of no use.

87. Talk of the deviant land he will appear. Talk to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will come.

88.Hastylove, sooncold. Love at first sight cannot last long.

89.Health is better than wealth. Health is better than wealth.

90.Healthishappiness. Health is happiness.

91.Hearallparties. Listen and you will understand.

92.Heaven never helps the man who will not act. If you don’t move, it’s useless to call the sky.

93.Heisafoolthatforgetshimself. A fool forgets himself.

94. Heisa good friend that speaks well of behind our backs. He who speaks well behind his back is a true friend.

95. Heisawisemanwhospeakslittle. Being smart is not just talking.

96. Heislifelessthatisfaultless. Only dead people do not make mistakes.

97. Heisnotfittocommandothersthatcannotcommandhimself. Righteous others first rectify yourself.

98.Heisnotlaughedatthatlaughsathimselffirst. Those who laugh at themselves will not make people laugh.

99. Heiswisethatishonest. The honest man is the wisest.

100.He knows most who speaks least.