This sentence was quoted from Shi Shuo Xin Yu, a famous saying of Wang Dao, the prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. At that time, due to the weakness of the royal family in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Hu people took advantage of the gap and occupied a vast area north of the Yangtze River. The Jin Dynasty had to live in the south of the Yangtze River, which was regarded by ministers. It means: "Now it is time for everyone Qi Xin to help the royal family and restore the homeland of the Central Plains. How can they just get together and cry like the prisoner Zhong Yi of Chu?"
There is an allusion to the "Chu prisoner" here, especially Zhong Yi, a native of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was captured in a war in which Chu attacked Zheng, and was later transferred to his boss Jin by Zheng. During her two years as a prisoner in the state of Jin, Zhong Yi always wore the traditional clothes of Chu, and she cried all day because she missed her hometown. Later, Duke Jing of Jin accidentally met him, became interested in the prisoner who was still wearing the clothes of his old country during his capture, and asked him to come and chat. During the chat, Duke Jing of Jin was deeply moved by Zhong Yi's persistence and talent, and released him back to Chu.
2. If you can't speak frankly, you'll be ignorant, but good will never come to you.
From "The Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu", the previous sentence is "The master of national subjugation, you can't speak frankly". This sentence means that the * * * of a conquered monarch is that he can't accept others' outspoken advice, and if he doesn't accept it, he will be a monarch. ("Zi" means "Cong")
3. Song is strong, Qi is weak, and evil can be like this
It is also from "The Spring and Autumn Period of Lu". Once Qi attacked Song, Song Guojun sent someone to inquire about the news, and the spies reported that "Qi Kou is near, and the people are afraid." That is to say, the army of Qi approached, and our people panicked. In order to please the monarch, the ministers agreed that the spies were lying, saying: Song is strong, Qi is weak, and evil can be like this! "Mean, we are so powerful in the Song State and so weak in the Qi State, how can this happen (that is, the people in China are frightened by the spies)? Song Guojun killed the spy.
4. Who can be a non-upright person but a Lord?
It's from Lv Chunqiu, which means that if you are not an honest and outspoken gentleman in honest and frank, who can not flatter your master?