Once, Lutz, Confucius' right-hand disciple, wanted to be an official in defending the country, but Confucius did not agree to Lutz's going. Because the monarch of Weiguo ruled badly, the prince's morality was bad, and there were many national factions. Confucius said to Luz: if a dangerous country does not advance, a chaotic country will not live, and there is a way to enter the world, but there is no way to hide. There is a road in the country, which is poor, cheap and shameful. There is no way to make the country rich and expensive, and it is also shameful. But Lutz told Confucius that he was confident and capable of governing the country well.
Confucius said: prevent disasters first, not later. Be cautious in knowing and doing. A gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall and should not be taken lightly. Therefore, the famous saying that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall" handed down also represents Confucius' attitude towards life. It is also a very correct way to settle down.
During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a descendant of Confucius named Kong Rong. Kong Rong let everyone know the story of Pear. This Kong Rong is not only virtuous, courteous and courteous, but also highly literate. Plus his status as a descendant of Confucius. At that time, the people had great respect for him, and even powerful people like Yuan Shu and Cao Cao were extremely afraid of Kong Rong's identity. Kong Rong once said that "Yuan Shu is a dead bone in the tomb" is not worth mentioning. Yuan Shu was afraid of Kong Rong's identity and influence, so he didn't dare to kill him.
Later, Yuan Shu proclaimed himself, and Cao Cao was very anxious, but he was helpless to Yuan Shu. In desperation, he took it out on Yang Biao, framed Yang Biao for rebellion and killed him. When Sun Rong learned this, he ran to scold Cao Cao. This was Cao Cao's fault, but Kong Rong had to let Yang Biao go. But it also made Cao Cao hate Kong Rong's guts. But Kong Rong didn't care. Instead, he satirized Cao Cao everywhere.
Later, when Cao Cao wanted to attack Dongwu, Kong Rong said, "How can an unscrupulous teacher be invincible when attacking a benevolent teacher?" This is to shake the morale of the army. Just like Kong Rong's reputation, saying this will directly make Cao Cao a teacher of injustice, and the morale of military generals and soldiers will be severely hit. Cao Cao couldn't bear it any longer and sent someone to kill Kong Rong.
Kong Rong caused such a fatal disaster that he forgot the teaching of his ancestor Confucius that "a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall". Kong Rong stood under a wall full of dangers. How can you not die? As the saying goes: if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you, not to mention that this old man is Confucius' big talk!