Confucius' "Tao is governed by government, and unified by punishment, and the people are spared without shame. Tao is governed by virtue, and unified by propriety, and there is shame and integrity" means: Confucius said: "Use political orders To govern the people and use criminal laws to rectify them, the people only want to be free from crime and punishment, but have no sense of shame; use morality to guide the people and use rituals to assimilate them, the people will not only have a sense of shame, but also have the desire to obey Heart."
Source: Chapter 3 of "The Analects of Confucius: Politics"
Introduction to Confucius: Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - April 479 BC) 11th), whose surname is Kong, whose given name is Qiu, and whose courtesy name is Zhongni. He was a native of Zou Yi, the state of Lu (now Qufu, Shandong Province), and his ancestral home is Li Yi, the state of Song (now Xiayi, Henan Province). He is a famous great thinker and educator in China. Confucius was the founder of Confucianism. He had an incomplete but complete set of ideological systems and political opinions. The most glorious point in Confucius' thought is the promotion of "benevolence", which means "loving others". This reflected the social reality at that time and the rise of common people (the broad masses of the people) at that time due to the gradual disintegration of slavery. Confucius first popularized cultural knowledge among the people, which was a concrete manifestation of this reality and the humane spirit that reflected this reality.
Introduction to "The Analects of Confucius·Wei Zheng": "Wei Zheng" contains 24 chapters. The main content of this article involves Confucius's thought of "governing with virtue", the basic principles of how to seek an official position and working in politics as an official, the relationship between learning and thinking, Confucius's own learning and cultivation process, the learning method of reviewing the past and learning the new, and the Further elaboration of moral categories such as filial piety and brotherhood.
Reference materials
Baidu Encyclopedia: /item/%E5%AD%94%E5%AD%90/1584?fr=aladdin