Ou Yangxun: For beginners, first make a general idea, set it horizontally and straightly, and treat the cloth and white to make it even.
Wang Xizhi: divide the cloth and white, and the distance should be even.
Jiang he: there are three things in cloth and white; The word is white, the word is white, and the line is white. The distribution of beginners must be stopped evenly; If you know that you stop evenly, you will seek change, and you will be inclined and scattered.
Chen yi: the sparse place is full, and the dense place is lifted; The flat place is full, and the dangerous place is flying; If you are full, you will be fat, but if you fly, you will be thin.
Wang Xizhi: evenly stippling, matching distance and distance, spreading cloth and researching essence, and harmonizing pen and ink; Fronts and fibers come and go, and the density is attached.
Xiang Mu: People are handy in books, and there are many kinds of things that are nothing but neutralization. Yue Fei. It's just thin. If the book is appropriate in length and balance, the weight is balanced, the yin and yang are appropriate, and the rigidity and softness help each other, and the scholars who are still alive are neither fat nor thin. It's not too long or too short to be beautiful.
Zhang huaijin: leaning back; It is said that the two words are combined into one word, and it is necessary to make a point of painting up and down.
Wang Xizhi: The two characters are integrated, and the weight should not be long, the single should not be small, the complex should not be big, the secret is better than the sparse, and the short is better than the long.
Mrs. Wei: stippling is like a peak falling stone, and stumbling is as real as collapse; Horizontal painting is like a thousand miles of clouds, but it is actually tangible; Vertical paintings are like long live withered vines; Draw a picture like a rhinoceros; Painting is like crashing waves and thundering; Oblique hooks are like a hundred bows; Cross-folded crossbow tendons; Every word is like its shape, which makes it wonderful and the calligraphy is finished.