Daily quotation
1, grandma once said, I am the heaven, I am in charge of everything.
Grandma once said that fate will be on my side as long as I am willing.
Grandma once said that the world revolves around you, so if you think like this, you will feel happy.
Grandma once said that people will become weak because they love others, but this is not a shameful thing, because it is not really weak.
Grandma once said that flowers can make all women shine.
6. Grandma once said that if you chase two rabbits, you will get two rabbits.
7. Grandma once said that treatment begins with eating, and the word "food" means making people better (food = people+good).
8. Grandma once said that "friendship" means being naive to make friends (affection = heart+youth).
9. Grandma once said that eating is one-off, and you should cherish it every time.
Grandma once said that all women are equally beautiful.
1 1. Grandma once said that there are two things that men can't do, making girls cry and wasting food.
12, grandma once said that real famous shops don't even have to hang signs.
13, grandma once said that we should go all out to fight.
14, grandma once said that work should be as tenacious as natto.
15, grandma once said that the devil's words sometimes sound like the voice of an angel.
16, grandma once said that immature fruits will be sour, and immature people will fight.
17, grandma once said that there will be angels when eating, which is a sacred time.
18, grandma once said that children are the wealth of human beings, and the heaviest crime in the world is to hurt these wealth.
19, grandma once said that a thief loses his treasure.
20. Grandma once said that men should be calm, and boiling water will only evaporate.
Classic quotations:
1. Grandma once said that people who know the truth will not be deceived by illusions.
Grandma once said that it is a happy thing to get the secret known by others, and it will be more pleasant to discover the secret by yourself.
Grandma once said that the time to enjoy food is happy, but the time to wait for food to come out is the happiest.
Grandma once said that food is like a romantic gift, so you should work hard with a mind without me.
Grandma once said that there is one thing that can surpass any seasoning and material, and that is the love of the cook.
6. Grandma once said that there is no restaurant in the world that doesn't make money, and there is no sin to be rampant.
7. Grandma once said that over-processed dishes are the worst. No matter how hard you try to cover up the facts, paper can't cover up the fire.
Grandma once said that only those who can cook can make people happy with a knife.
9. Grandma once said that people who cling to themselves will fall into darkness one day.
10, grandma once said that it is better to be an enemy than to protect important things.
1 1. Grandma once said that it is the preparation and cooking skills that determine the taste of cooking.
12, grandma once said that if you want to reach a distant goal in life, you can only be happy if you put down your heavy burden and move forward empty-handed.
13, grandma once said that my evolution speed is faster than the speed of light, and no one in the whole universe can match my evolution speed.
14, grandma once said that children's wishes are the reality of the future, and it is inhuman to laugh at adults who daydream.
15, grandma once said that family ties can never be cut off, even if we live far apart, our hearts are still connected.
16, grandma once said that people are the way to leave, and the way to open up people is heaven.
Grandma once said that since I am the center of the world, I will come to save the world.
18, grandma once said that really delicious food can change the life of diners.
19, grandma once said that the greatness of the sun lies in that it can shine even if it turns into dust.
20. Grandma once said that justice is myself and I am justice.
2 1. Grandma once said that there is only one name in the world that must be remembered: Souji Tendou, the man in charge of everything.
Grandma once said that all beings in the world are equal. Humans can change themselves for others,
You don't change the world for yourself, you can change the world by changing yourself. This is heaven.
23, the same road is just a travel companion, and those who can share joys and sorrows on different roads are friends.
Extended data:
Although Kamen Rider has been released for ten years, Souji Tendou's mantra "My grandma said" is still one of the most popular stalks in Kamen Rider. Because of the expression pack, Souji Tendou still appears frequently in front of the public. Souji Tendou, who is holding a family fight, said domineering: "My hand has seized the future!" Things in your hand are often converted into various other things by P.
Kamen Rider Wang Shi, as the twentieth and last work in the Heisei era, adopts a plot similar to that of Ten Years, with a wider space and is related to the previous Knight. In the first episode, Sento Kiryu and Ryuga Banjo both came back.
Although these two people exposed themselves as soon as they appeared, some of them did not meet the previous settings. After all, the war hadn't started at that time, and both build and cross-z were wanted criminals, but their appearance was an exciting thing in itself.
Not just the two of them. According to information, Emu Hōjō and Hiiro Kagami will return. What's even more surprising is that both Qiao Ye and the Indy Cao family joined in. Unfortunately, Yongji Kimchi has passed away and has no chance to see his new work on the screen.
Many knight actors are not what they used to be. They were just newcomers when they took part in the Kamen Rider Olympic Games, and now they are hot stars. For example, Suda Masaki in Masked Knight W and Sugar in Electronic Kamen Rider, some of them have retired from the entertainment circle.
For example, Shui Hongyi. Since he got married, he has seldom acted. The film of the black deacon took pains to invite him out. Today, Shui Hongyi is a full-time nanny and writer.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Souji Tendou